Africa Blue Economy Week #ABEW24

July 11, 2024
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Event Details

23 - 25 July 2024

African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Day 1, 23 July

Day 2, 24 July

Africa's vast coastline and rich marine resources are ripe for transformative economic and social development. Yet, challenges such as environmental degradation, overexploitation and infrastructure deficits hinder this potential. In response, the African Union, alongside UNDP and various partners, is set to launch the Africa Blue Economy Week (ABEW-24).

Scheduled from 23 to 25 July 2024, ABEW-24 will gather leaders from across Africa and beyond to drive the blue economy forward. This year's theme, "Empowering Africa's Blue Renaissance," underscores the importance of shared effort and innovation in developing a vibrant maritime sector.

The African Day of Seas and Oceans, celebrated annually on 25 July, is a vital occasion dedicated to recognizing the immense value of Africa's marine assets. It highlights the critical importance of sustainable management and conservation of these resources for the continent's economic growth, food security and environmental health. Celebrating this day during Africa Blue Economy Week amplifies its significance by aligning it with broader discussions on local blue economies, fostering dialogue on innovative blue economy practices and promoting policies that balance economic development with environmental stewardship.

This event isn't just a meeting; it's a commitment to unlocking Africa's blue promise through collective action. ABEW-24 aims to be a catalyst for inclusive and sustainable blue growth, fostering dialogue, collaboration and actionable solutions. It will unite stakeholders from diverse sectors to share knowledge, celebrate successes and address the blue economy's role in achieving broader development goals like poverty reduction and climate resilience.

Moreover, this year, the celebration presents a unique opportunity to reflect on the Decade of African Seas and Oceans (2015-2025), a period marked by concerted efforts to protect and harness the potential of Africa's marine resources. Reviewing the progress made, learning from the successes and challenges encountered and setting a strategic path forward will ensure that Africa continues to advance towards a sustainable and prosperous blue economy.

This reflection is not only a time to celebrate achievements but also a call to action for enhancing collaborative efforts, leveraging scientific advancements, and strengthening governance frameworks for the future.

Read here the Press Release:


    Day 1- 23 July 2024
    09:00Registration at AUC

    AU Anthem

    Welcome Address

    • UNDP RBA Director for Africa 
    • Ms Bjorg Sandkjaer – Deputy Minister for International Development, Norway
    • HE. Mr. Jean Francois Ferrari- Minister for Fisheries and Blue Economy, Seychelles
    • HE Ambassador Harold Bundu Saffa, Embassy of Siera Leone to Ethiopia

    Keynote Address

    • HE Ambassador, Josefa Sacko- Commissioner, ARBE

    Facilitator: Usman Iftikhar

    10:30-11:00Group Photo and Coffee Break 

    Experience Sharing on Blue Economy from RECs (IGAD, COMESA, ECOWAS, SADC), AU Member states and Partners (Portugal, USA, New Zealand, UK, Africa-Europe Foundation)

    Facilitator: Madeleine Nyiratuza



    Navigating the Future: Reflecting on a Decade of African Seas and Oceans (2015-2025)

    Moderator: Charles Nyandiga (UNDP)


    • Harsen Nyambe Nyambe, Director, Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, AUC
    • Nassim Oulmane, Director, UNECA
    • Adnan Awad, Senior Technical Advisor, UNDP
    • Tiana Razafindrakoto, BE Expert, Indian Ocean Commission
    13:00-14:00Lunch Break



    Advancing Partnerships for Sustainable Blue Economy

    Moderator: Georges Mba Asseko (AUC)

    Special Intervention: Captain Hamad Bakar Hamad – Principal Secretary, Govt of Tanzania


    • Seamus Dunn, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of New Zealand 
    • Dr. Amadou Tall, Fisheries and Aquaculture Expert, ECOWAS
    • Ibukun Adewumi, Head UNESCO-IOC Commission for Africa)
    • Raphael Danglade, Lead Portfolio Manager, Africa Europe Foundation
    16:00-17:00  Coffee Break and Networking Time
    Day 2- 24 July 2024

    Financing Blue Economy Initiatives: Opportunities and Challenges

    Moderator:  Shigeki Komatsubara (UNDP)


    Online intervention: 

    • Mr. Zitto Alfayo, Head Project Preparation at the Afreximbank
    • WWF online Intervention
    10:30-11:10Coffee Break

    Exploring the Potential for Regional Value Chains in the AfCFTA context as a Means for Blue Economy Transformation for African Islands and Coastal countries 

    Moderator: Komi Tsowou (UNDP)


    • Komla Bissi, Senior Advisor, AfCFTA Secretariat
    • Stella Mbabazi, Blue Economy Expert, COMESA
    • Lovin Kobusingye, CEO, Kati Farms Ltd
    • Danmitonde Babatoundé Jupiter Wilfrid, Ministry of Maritime Economy, Togo
    13:00-14:00Lunch Break

    Empowering Youth for Blue Economy Leadership & Innovation

    Moderator: Samiya Abdulkadir Godu (President EYEA)

    Special Intervention: Dr. Obakeng, WIOMSA Science Policy Manager 


    Floor Intervention: Abdallah Hassan Mitawi, Deputy Permanent Secretary

    16:00-16:30Coffee Break

    Networking Event 

    Welcome remarks

    • Shigeki Komatsubara (UNDP Resident Rep. Tanzania)
    • Director SEBE, AUC
    Day 3- 25 July 2024

    The African Day of Seas and Oceans Celebrations

    Facilitator: Linda Etta (AUC) 

    Keynote speeches on commemoration of the African Day of Seas and Oceans

    • Representative from Government of Seychelles 
    • Lovin Kobusingye - Private Sector Representative
    • Noni Mafabune, UNDP Director of Operations
    • Ms Synne Bjornra - Secretary of State, Norway
    • Amb. Josefa Sacko - Commissioner, ARBE, African Union Commission
    12:30-13:30  Lunch