Mainstreaming Gender in Mitigation and Technology
DownloadMainstreaming Gender in Mitigation and Technology
January 13, 2016
This capacity-building package has been designed for policymakers to guide them on how to promote gender equality across all levels of policy and programming in climate change, and to provide them with the necessary tools to do so.
UNDP has been working with governments to integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment into climate change dialogue and climate finance structures. At the global level, UNDP, along with its partners from the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA), has been supporting the integration of gender equality into the climate negotiation processes and into the policy and governance structures of key climate finance mechanisms, such as the Green Climate Fund.
At a local level, UNDP engages with communities to address the specific vulnerabilities of women to climate change and empower them as agents of change. This exposure places UNDP in a unique position to extend support on integrating gender equality into climate change mitigation and technology development and transfer initiatives.
As an awareness-raising tool for policymakers on mainstreaming gender in climate change actions, this package aims to:
- -- Raise awareness on the need to/relevance of mainstreaming gender in climate change actions, including in decision-making at the top level;
- -- Encourage policymakers to mainstream gender across institutions and at international, national and local levels;
- -- Inform non-gender specialists about the tools and strategies available to ensure that gender sensitivity is meaningfully employed in policy and programme implementation at all stages, including in policy appraisal, implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); and,
- -- Assist policymakers in identifying concrete entry points for gender sensitivity action and on how to determine which actions are appropriate.
The package provides tangible examples taken from UNDP’s work with gender mainstreaming (GM) in Bhutan and Cambodia. Not only will the information provided be useful to policymakers, the content can also be adapted for use by practitioners working on integrating gender into climate change projects and programmes.