UNDP Kyrgyzstan Shares Expertise in Women's Entrepreneurship and Skills Development with Uzbekistan Partners

May 20, 2024


Bishkek, 17 May 2024 – A delegation from Uzbekistan, comprising representatives from UNDP-Uzbekistan, the Social Development Center, and the Association of Businesswomen and Entrepreneurs, concluded a successful visit to Kyrgyzstan today. The visit aimed to learn about UNDP Kyrgyzstan's pioneering efforts in women's economic empowerment programs, particularly those funded by the Government of Finland under the "Aid for Trade in Central Asia" project.

During the study tour, participants from Uzbekistan witnessed Kyrgyzstan's experience in empowering women entrepreneurs and creating an enabling environment for their economic participation. Through interactive sessions and field visits, the delegation gained valuable insights into the innovative approaches and best practices in promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment.

UNDP is committed to promoting women's entrepreneurship and providing sustainable employment for women through economic empowerment to promote greater social cohesion and well-being. Under the Aid for Trade project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, UNDP in is advancing regional small and medium entrepreneurship knowledge development programs, particularly in women's value chain development projects in the Ferghana Valley.

In a wider scope, UNDP takes its efforts to create green jobs, support income generation using sustainable production methods including green niche products and improve trade-related policy and services to enhance the private sector’s resilience.

"We aim to foster innovative and social entrepreneurship among women. We identify new value chain business ideas, support their development, and promote collaboration between science, education, and business," says Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan.

The study tour included roundtable meetings, discussions on lessons learned, and experience exchange on implementing the "Aid for Trade in Central Asia" project in both countries. It also explored future collaboration on developing and popularizing mentorship programs. 

"We are deeply impressed by Kyrgyzstan's initiatives in empowering women and promoting inclusive economic growth. This visit has provided us with invaluable insights and inspiration, which we will endeavor to incorporate into our own programs in Uzbekistan," remarked Ms. Mamlakat Sodiqova, representing the "Union of Entrepreneurs and Businesswomen of Uzbekistan."

By leveraging the expertise of UNDP Kyrgyzstan and other stakeholders, the Uzbekistani delegation aims to strengthen existing initiatives and develop new strategies to empower women economically, ultimately contributing to sustainable development and inclusive growth in Uzbekistan.

"We are grateful for the opportunity to learn from UNDP Kyrgyzstan's successful initiatives promoting women's economic empowerment," remarked Mr. Muzaffar Mirzarakhimov, representing the UNDP Aid for Trade project (Uzbekistan). "The knowledge and experience exchange will undoubtedly enrich our efforts in Uzbekistan to enhance women's participation in economic activities and entrepreneurship."

As the visit concluded, both delegations reinforced their commitment to strengthening collaboration and knowledge exchange between women entrepreneurs of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The knowledge gained is expected to contribute significantly to the design and implementation of future initiatives to advance women's economic empowerment and inclusive development in Central Asia.

For media inquiries please refer to Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, UNDP Communications Officer at ainagul.abdrakhmanova@undp.org


UNDP is implementing the fifth phase of the regional project “Aid for Trade in Central Asia” (hereinafter referred to as the project), funded by the Government of Finland. The project aims to support Central Asian countries in achieving inclusive and sustainable growth by promoting green value chains and improving the competitiveness of their economies. The project promotes more resilient, secure and gender-sensitive economic structures by diversifying the economy and adapting to new market and consumer trends.