Leveraging young people’s skills to shape the Arab region’s future

By Hoda El Nahlawy, Communication Associate & Stephanie Boustany, Project and Research Analyst, Knowledge Project

البرنامج الإنمائي
5 min readJul 15, 2023
Photo: UNDP Lebanon

Youth play a central role in the development of their countries and societies. The many faces and experiences of young people from the Arab region carry hopes, dreams and aspirations for a better future. The Arab States region is home to more than 113 million between the ages of 15 and 29 — making up to 25 percent of the population in the Arab region. They are a potential asset to the region and can drive significant positive change and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

However, countries in the region need to create more job and skills development opportunities for their young population through job training programmes, which will enable them to secure employment and contribute positively to the region’s future.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) are working on an ambitious new initiative focused on promoting regional skills development through the Knowledge Project. This initiative aims to enhance market-relevant learning, broaden employment prospects, and contribute to sustainable economic growth in the Arab States.

Unemployment, particularly among the youth, coupled with a significant mismatch between employment and education, is a pressing issue in the Arab States region. The overall unemployment rate is 12 percent, but among youth it rises to nearly 28 percent. This situation underscores the need to address skills gaps that not only empower citizens, especially those from disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, but also help them better navigate the labor market.

To achieve this, the region must focus on fostering the development of skills that meet the current demands of the labor market. This comprehensive approach aims to bridge the gap between education and employment, thereby reducing the high unemployment rate.

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT. Source: Knowledge Project’s team calculations based on latest data retrieved from International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT.

Today, we celebrate World Youth Skills Day, which this year focuses on upskilling teachers, trainers, and youth for a transformative future. We recognize the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship.

It has never been more important to prepare young people for the transition to work and actively engage them in their communities and societies.

On this Youth Skills Day, let’s explore the key concerns in the Arab States region for improving youth skills, based on an online survey developed to understand learning needs, market demand, and overall economic trends in the region.

How many people were keen to participate in the survey?

Approximately 512 respondents participated in the survey, which was launched in June 2023. A significant proportion of these participants, nearly 81.4%, reported difficulty finding appropriate training opportunities to improve their job-related skills. This indicates a potential gap in accessible skills development and training programmes and highlights an area for improvement to better meet the needs of the labor market.

What are the top limitations to reskilling and upskilling in the private and public sectors?

The biggest barriers to reskilling and upskilling in both the private and public sectors are financial constraints and the limited availability of training resources.

Are digital and soft skills development considered important?

Respondents’ answers indicate that the development of digital and soft skills is considered important for the career and employability of learners and the growth of businesses.

What are the most important soft skills needed today?

What are the top digital skills needed in the region?

What are the top functional/technical roles?

The survey results show that respondents have a strong interest in improving their skills in specific areas such as soft skills, digital skills, and technical capabilities. However, financial constraints are cited as a major barrier to taking advantage of learning opportunities.

In response to these findings, a new skills development initiative will soon be launched. This initiative, launched in partnership between UNDP and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) and in collaboration with Coursera, aims to provide selected individuals with opportunities to leverage their skills through tailored learning programmes. Participants will be selected based on their applications, for which a call for applications will be issued soon.

Photo: UNDP Yemen

This initiative is an excellent opportunity for youth in the region to develop their skills to better shape the future. By working together, we can develop and deliver impactful learning experiences that truly address the needs of the region and develop a skilled workforce that can lead to a sustainable future.

Let us come together on World Youth Skills Day, to recognize the potential of young people as catalysts for change and commit to advocate for them to have the skills and opportunities needed to build a prosperous and sustainable world for all in the Arab States region. A better future is within reach, where no young person is left behind.

Stay tuned for the call for applications and seize this opportunity to be part of our collective journey to a more skilled and inclusive future.

Since 2008, UNDP and MBRF have forged a solid partnership, extending until 2030, with the objective of establishing knowledge cities for sustainable development in the Arab States and beyond. The cornerstone of this alliance, the Knowledge Project, crafts high-quality knowledge assets like the Global Knowledge Index. This partnership champions an inclusive approach, encouraging knowledge sharing and dialogue among various stakeholders, enriching both public and private sectors, academia, civil society, and youth.



البرنامج الإنمائي

‏‏شعوب متمكنة، أمم صامدة -الحساب الرسمي لبرنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي في المنطقة العربية. UNDP official account in the Arab States