Fishers of the Republic of Mauritius Empowered with a New Mobile Application and Longline Fishing Training

May 17, 2024
Launch of the RodMoFad mobile application and award ceremony for longline fishing training under the Mauritius E€OFISH project

The official launch of the RodMoFad mobile application was followed by an award ceremony for fishers who participated in longline fishing training supported by the "Supporting the Economic Empowerment of the Artisanal Fishing Community of the Republic of Mauritius".

UNDP Mauritius / Stéphane Bellerose

Pointe aux Sables, May 16, 2024 – In a significant stride toward empowering off-lagoon artisanal fishers of the Republic of Mauritius, the RodMoFad mobile application was launched on Thursday 16 May 2024. This innovative tool, part of the "Supporting the Economic Empowerment of the Artisanal Fishing Community of the Republic of Mauritius" project—commonly known as the UNDP Mauritius E€OFISH project—promises to significantly improve local fishing practices via the integration of digital solutions. 

The launch event, which also featured an award ceremony for participants of a longline fishing training program, was held in the presence of the Honorable Sudheer Maudhoo, Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping; Ms Amanda Serumaga, UNDP Mauritius and Seychelles Resident Representative; Ms Florence van Houtte, Team Leader for the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius and to the Republic of Seychelles; Ms Tanaka Yuki, Counsellor at the Embassy of Japan in Mauritius, Representatives of the Indian Ocean Commission, and members of the fishing community.

The Mauritius E€OFISH project is an initiative funded by the European Union and implemented nationally by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. Under the project, advanced Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) equipped with satellite technology and biomass sensors have been deployed around Mauritius and Rodrigues to help fishers explore new fishing grounds beyond the lagoons, enhancing their productivity, and contributing to the country’s food security.


Launch of the RodMoFad mobile application


Digital solutions to empower traditional fishers

The RodMoFad application, designed with input from local fishers, allows the quick localization of the new generation FADs through satellite technologies. Developed with additional funding from the Government of Japan through the “Support to Resilience through Digital Transformation and Capacity Development” project, the application is exclusively accessible to registered artisanal fishers. RodMoFad, which can be freely downloaded on Android devices via Playstore, also allows users to access data on fish tonnage near the new generation FADs and obtain vital information on moon cycles, tides, and bathymetry. Through its utilization, fishers can enhance their decision-making, increase their catch rates, and boost their economic well-being.



In parallel, the Mauritius E€OFISH project has also prioritized capacity building and skills development. In 2023, comprehensive longline fishing training sessions were conducted for fishers and officers from the Ministry of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. Longline fishing, a semi-industrial technique for catching pelagic species such as albacore tuna, promises to expand the fishers' capabilities during the summer months when these species are abundant in Mauritian waters. This training was facilitated by Mr. Keith Andre from the Seychelles, enhancing South-South cooperation and knowledge exchange within the Western Indian Ocean region.


Longline fishing training for artisanal fishers in Mauritius


Empowering artisanal fishers to better harness the island’s oceanic potential.

In his address to the audience, Mr. Jean-Lindsay Azie, Environment Team Leader at UNDP stated: “UNDP is maintaining its focus in mobilizing further resources and to work with various development partners to enhance the support extended to the fisher community. This collective effort demonstrates the shared commitment of the international community to address the challenges facing artisanal fishers and promote sustainable fisheries management.” He further acknowledges the importance of ensuring beneficiaries inclusivity throughout project implementation to sustain the project's objective.

Ms Florence van Houtte, Team Leader for the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius and Seychelles, expressed the EU's honor in contributing to sustainable fishing efforts in Mauritius. Ms. Van Houtte also emphasized the EU's consistent support for over 37 years in enhancing sustainable fisheries' contribution to island development, preserving fishers' livelihoods, and restoring marine ecosystems. 

Ms Tanaka Yuki, Counsellor at the Embassy of Japan in Mauritius, highlighted Japan's contribution to the development of the RodMoFAd app through the Japan Supplementary Budget, emphasizing that the application is not just a project but "an investment for the future of Mauritius and Rodrigues." She commended all stakeholders for their efforts in completing this initiative and reaffirmed Japan's commitment to strengthening relations between the people of Japan and Mauritius.

The Honorable Sudheer Maudhoo, Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, expressed his gratitude to the European Union, the Government of Japan, and UNDP for their support. He noted that despite the abundance of albacore tuna in Mauritius’s Exclusive Economic Zone, the country has not yet become a significant tuna fishing nation. He emphasized that the Government maintains its efforts to train and empower local artisanal fishers to better harness the island’s oceanic potential.