Written by: Samory Araújo, Head of Solutions Mapping, UNDP Cabo Verde Accelerator Lab
How the introduction of drone on the islands can change the face of one our big challenges
During the implementation of the Green islands project (launching of seed balls using the drone in November 2021) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment's REFLOR-CV project, funded by the European Union and FAO The use of drones for agricultural and forestry purposes proves to, be a technological innovation very promising and fundamental regarding increased productivity, optimization of human, material and financial resources, as well as the reduction of the risk of accidents involving work. So to scale up the results, and to see the impact at national level of using drone for agriculture and forestry, the training of technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment is fundamental; the training aimed to promote the proficiency of technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment regarding the use of drones for the above-mentioned purposes, acquiring skills, dexterity, trust and autonomy. On this path, trainees will be better able to explore this technology and operate fruitfully in different scenarios of the Cape Verdean context.

The Drone as a unique value proposition to solve desertification and climate change issue
This high-tech work was not explored at the past in the Cape Verde islands, mainly due to lack of funds and resources. There were no current competitors that provide these types of services to communities and people. Is quite revolutionary the using of different drones to improve agriculture, reforestation but also for environmental protection and mapping, monitoring vast areas as well.
Regarding agriculture and reforestation, Cape Verde is significantly affected with dry climates and limited farmers; the largest populations of wild, endemic, indigenous and naturalized species of flora and fauna are concentrated in potential protected areas throughout the archipelago. Some of these areas constitute the specific habitats of plant and animal species of relevant socio-economic importance and seriously threatened with extinction.

What we need to know about the impact of this solution on climate change in Cape Verde islands
In Cabo Verde there is a need to minimize the impact and effects of global warming and deforestation on the agriculture and the ecosystem (what the revolutionary way to counteract and minimize the impact) … Who is most affected by the impact of dry climate and deforestation on the Ecosystem? Which technologies have the greatest impact on environmental protection?
To address the impact of climate change on the islands of Cape Verde and deforestation affecting mainly rural communities, the Accelerator Lab UNDP Cabo Verde in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and environment, have created training for drone pilots directed to the technicians of the MAA with the aim of providing the main technological instruments, applications and essential knowledge for the development and training of technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and environment, in the exercise of their professional activities as drone pilots, targeted at agriculture and precision reforestation.

Characterization of the Execution
The training was divided into two phases: in a first phase we had 12 technicians, and in a second plus 12; a whole 24 technicians had a training with the following specific goals : Know the rules and laws regarding the use of drones in national territory; Identify basic concepts of the use of drones for agricultural and forestry purposes; Gain essential knowledge about the different types of hardware and software which allow the operation of these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; To make pilots aware of aspects to be taken into account, as well as the actions to be taken performed in pre, during and post-mission (flight).

Theoretical evaluation
The theoretical evaluation was carried out through a knowledge test, which is a proof important to measure, with a degree of real objectivity, the knowledge of trainees regarding legislation that governs the use of drones in national territory, introductory basic concepts, architecture, operation maintenance and safety procedures that should be considered when dealing with non-air vehicles Manned (drones).

Practical Evaluation
The practical evaluation had as a test mechanism flights in simulators installed on the computers of the trainees and consolidation with 3 (three) different types of real drones. The process of practical evaluation and validation of each pilot skills started in the simulators and gradually the trainee was advanced from smaller and simpler for the larger and complex, depending on the performance. This has been possible to validate the pilots to operate the final drone, PB-AG-5K.

Launching the seeds
Through the training project the seedballs (seeds encased in clay) were launched using drones, in two locations of Santiago islands: Sao Martinho and Monte Vaca. In addition to the use of drones, was the production of seed balls by local communities (Association of Ceramic Women from Trás-os-Montes); there was also previous work mapping the localities by Minister of Agriculture and Environment technicians. There was a whole preparation of the soil where the seeds would be released by a group of women farmers. All the releases made by the trainees were successful.

What is the revolutionary way to minimize the impact of the drought?
The drone has proven to be a revolutionary and economical way to help agriculture and reforestation effectively and efficiently in the country. And given that climate change and deforestation has affected Cape Verde as a whole, the Accelerator Lab -UNDP supported the Ministry of Agriculture and Reforestation with two drones, one for the northern region, and the other to the south of the country, to minimize the impact of the drought and its consequences.