UNDP Algeria Accelerator Lab
We work to address national priorities through innovation.

Data and sensemaking:
The UNDP Accelerator Lab in Algeria has explored pathways to develop a diversified set of data collection methods using computer-assisted telephone interviewing for the COVID-19 socio-economic impact assessment, sensemaking and collective intelligence for renewable energy, and contributes to institutional capacity building in geographic information systems (GIS) mainly in data collection, processing and analysis.
COVID-19 Response:
In addition, to support and promote digital solutions created by Algerian youth to meet the challenges created by COVID-19, UNDP Algeria, through its Accelerator Lab, organized a hackathon in partnership with the “Algeria Startup Challenge,” launched by the incubator Cap Cowork. This was followed by the experimentation of potential solutions selected during the hackathon.
Social and Solidarity Economy:
The Accelerator Lab supported project holders linked to social entrepreneurship through a one-week “PROCESS bootcamp,” and an experimentation phase in partnership with the Algerian Center for Social Entrepreneurship.
The Accelerator Lab is partnering with the National Agency of Waste to select innovative solutions in the field of integrated waste management and to support access to technical resources and expertise for the project holders. This is followed by experimentation and scaling up successfully tested solutions for integration into standard waste management practices.
Youth Empowerment:
Through solutions mapping, the Accelerator Lab supported the Youth Portfolio in implementing and identifying solutions for the Youth Leadership Programme 7 (YLP 7) in partnership with Civil Society (Injaz El Djazair). Ten innovative solutions have been selected and will benefit from a customized support after the YLP 7.
Women Entrepreneurs’ Empowerment:
In April 2021, two women entrepreneurs from the experimentation phase have been selected to participate in the first iteration of the Women Innovators Programme with 4YFN, GSMA’s (Groupe Speciale Mobile Association) platform for startups worldwide. This was a mentorship programme for women-led digital startups in the Arab States who are contributing to the advancement of the SDGs. The project holders benefitted from 210 hours of one-on-one time with international mentors from the 4YFN Global Tech Community (industry experts and serial entrepreneurs), and were able to pitch to international investors at a Demo Day.
Our learnings
Our partners
Institutional Partner: National Agency of Waste is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, the agency is responsible for promoting the activities of sorting, collection, transport, treatment, recovery and disposal of waste.

CSO Partner: Injaz El Djazair is a fraction of INJAZ El Arab, an organization affiliated with Junior Achievement WorldWide that supports young people in the 15 MENA countries -Middle East and North Africa- with entrepreneurship promotion programs. https://www.injaz-eldjazair.org/
Algeria Startup challenge:
The biggest Algerian program that create opportunities for startup holders and ecosystem actors to build innovations of tomorrow. https://algeriastartupchallenge.com/Home/
An Algerian coworking space and an incubator for youth Algerian entrepreneurs. https://capcowork.com/en/accueil-english/
The Algerian Center for Social Entrepreneurship:
The first and the only incubator for social enterprises in algeria that aims to promote social entrepreneurship, identify and support social entrepreneurs. https://www.facebook.com/AlgerianCenterForSocialEntrepreneurship/