UNDP Benin Accelerator Lab

We are working on water hyacinth management in three lake areas of Benin, the capacity upgrading of young artisans in the building industry and the establishment of an innovations platform.



Since 2019, the UNDP Benin Accelerator Lab’s work(link is external) has been oriented around five main challenges. After a mapping of the key players in the national innovation ecosystem with EtriLabs, our work focused on securing the incomes of women market gardeners(link is external) in Avrankou. Carried out through the full Accelerator Lab methodology’s deployment, this work(link is external) was based on local expertise by associating the Ministry of Agriculture (PTAA-INRAB and ATDA7) and market gardeners’ peer trainers(link is external) from other communes. With COVID-19, the Lab has worked on the design and use of innovative and interactive hand washbasins(link is external), an interactive disinfection booth and a mobile distancing application without tracing. In 2021, with the BAI of the Presidency, the team carried out (i) an exploration of the problems of tourism in three lake areas with a focus on the management of water hyacinth and (ii) the deployment of a project initiation plan to upgrade the capacities of young people(link is external) in crafts, tourism, hospitality and the development of the living environment in Benin. Finally, together with our counterparts in Togo and Ghana, we are currently working on promoting cross-border trade as part of the Africa Borderlands Center’s Innovation Challenge.

Our team

Fanny Leslie M. Damiano Assogba  
Head of Experimentation  
Twitter(link is external)  

André-Félix Sossou  
Head of Exploration  
Twitter(link is external)  

Georges Bessan Kakpo  
Head of Exploration  
Twitter(link is external)  

Our partners

The UNDP Benin Accelerator Lab maintains collaborations with the main donors of the initiative in Benin: Germany (regular exchange sessions with the Head of Cooperation and with various GIZ projects to identify partnership opportunities), Qatar (sessions on the Laboratory and its first results with the Chargé d'Affaire) and especially with the Government through the BAI and Sèmè City (Benin's international city of innovation and knowledge) without forgetting the Ministry of Digitalization. We remain open to any partnerships for innovation improvement in Benin.


Visit the UNDP Benin website(link is external) for more information.