UNDP Senegal Accelerator Lab
We work on issues around flooding and its impacts by designing, mapping and experimenting innovative solutions, including grassroots resilience-building strategies.
Since its creation in October 2020, the UNDP Senegal Accelerator Lab has been involved in several activities, including the exploration of floods issues as our main challenge. With support provided by the Country Office, we work in areas related to the informal sector and inclusive finance such as:
- workshops and crowdsourcing events for the COVID-19 Vulnerable Groups Productive Sector (VPS) platform;
- structuring of an innovative revolving fund for access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) supported in the pilot communes of the COVID-19 platform
- implementation of the Tadamon Senegal project to launch the first crowdfunding campaign in Senegal for the financing of the SDGs.
Our unique service offering is based on a process of co-creating activities with local communities, governments, the private sector and stakeholders to re-imagine development in an uncertain, complex and changing context. Through partnerships with national governments, we create new capacities for decision-makers to explore, experiment and develop portfolios of complementary solutions that address complex challenges from multiple perspectives.
Our partners
We would like to thank our partners for their collaborative work with the UNDP Accelerator Labs. Building and strengthening alliances is the core of UNDP and the Accelerator Labs’ model. Please reach out if you are interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you.