Their Struggle and Resilience

Despite facing formidable challenges, women-owned and -led businesses in Afghanistan continue to demonstrate remarkable resilience, serving as vital pillars of economic stability and hope amidst adversity. These insights emerge from a comprehensive report titled "Listening to Women Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan. Their Struggle and Resilience," released today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The report brings together insights from various data collection methods conducted over the last three years. It includes data from in-depth interviews in 2022, focus group discussions in 2023, and a 2024 quantitative survey with responses from more than 3,100 women, providing one of the most detailed views into the changing circumstances of women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan.
Reuters: Afghan women turn to entrepreneurship but struggle to access capital
Daily Mail: Afghan women turn to entrepreneurship but struggle to access capital Las mujeres empresarias resisten a las prohibiciones de los talibanes, según el PNUD
UN News: Women in Afghanistan: The future ‘depends on them’ | UN News
Agencia EFE: Entrepreneurs in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan: A Story of Resilience
ReliefWeb: Listening to Women Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan: Their Struggle and Resilience - Afghanistan