Farmers receiving an emergency support package which includes a pruning shear, pruning saw, spray pump, protection cloths, 40 kg of Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer, 50 kg Urea fertilizer, and harvesting baskets each in Dehdadi district of Balkh Province. More than 10,800 farmers have received similar support since last October.
Kabul Afghanistan. UNDP Afghanistan will directly support 200,000 vulnerable individuals in the North, West, East, and Central Highland regions through this significant funding while prioritizing displaced families.
UNDP leads the Area-Based Approach to Development Emergency Initiatives (ABADEI) programme together with partner NGOs, civil society organizations, local private sector actors, and many more, by applying the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus framework in stabilizing the local economy, scale-up means of income, and complementing humanitarian and development efforts in the country.
Addressing human-security challenges in Afghanistan
It is estimated that half a million persons already left their homes after the sudden change of power last August in search of employment and peace. Immediately, UNDP predicted that 97% of the Afghan population would fall below the poverty line by mid- 2022, and its GDP to shrink by 1/3[1]. As a response, UNDP’s ABADEI programme was designed to accompany Afghanistan back to economic, health, and communal normality by promoting linkages between local producers, markets, private sectors, and financial institutions.
UNDP Afghanistan, through the Government of Japan’s funds, will provide:
- Essential services and basic infrastructure rehabilitation for better access to water, energy, and primary health services through solar PV systems, cash for work, and mobile health services.
- Reinforcement of local livelihoods, markets, and economies through vocational training and financial, technical, and equipment support.
- Strengthen skills and capacities of local institutions and communities for better social cohesion through supporting community platforms, psychosocial support, and counselling.
Resident Representative Abdallah Al-Dardari said “Japan is one of UNDP Afghanistan’s most important partners and we thank the Government’s swift support to Afghanistan when it needed it most. This momentous decision will help vulnerable Afghans to meet daily needs and services, revitalize local markets, and support rebuilding communities. This is a milestone for UNDP’s ABADEI programme as well, and allows our activities to prioritize human security and the need to reduce the humanitarian caseload, above all”
For media inquiries:
UNDP Afghanistan, Communications team, email:
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