Enhancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (EGEMA)
The Enhancing Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Afghanistan (EGEMA) Project has a principal objective to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. The key vehicle for achieving this, in the absence of national gender machinery, is to empower individual women and community structures with access to services and information, training and gender normative change initiatives.
The programme focuses on increasing support for women's empowerment, particularly in the economic sphere, by implementing advocacy programmes, providing training sessions, and enhancing overall capacity. Additionally, there is a concerted effort to broaden the support available for survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) through the provision of multipurpose cash assistance. The initiative also seeks to strengthen the capabilities of community gender advocates by offering training, capacity-building, and mentorship opportunities. This holistic approach aims to empower advocates to develop gender-responsive community action plans that address the root causes of GBV.
- Increased support for women’s empowerment, especially economic empowerment through advocacy programmes, trainings and capacity strengthening.
- Enhanced options for the survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV), or the victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) through multipurpose cash assistance.
Enhance capacity of the community gender advocates with training, capacity and mentorship to develop gender responsive community action plan, including addressing the root causes of GBV.
Major Achievements
• Supported 155 women to get scholarships for tertiary education through cross-border cooperation with UNDP Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, with 40 graduates securing UNV positions or further studies.
• Organized two advocacy events in 2023 for Afghan women to participate in film competition and knowledge exchange on climate change and young women's role, with 10 film winners producing powerful short movies.
• Trained 190 women in digital skills and provided them with online job opportunities to overcome mobility barriers.
• Strengthened the capacity and mentorship of 120 community gender advocates to prevent domestic violence and promote women's rights according to Islamic Sharia Law.
• Provided multipurpose cash assistance to 400 survivors of GBV and SEA and enhanced the GBV referral pathway among inter-agencies on a pilot basis.
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