Afghanistan Human Development Report 2007


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Afghanistan Human Development Report 2007

April 15, 2014

Human development refers to the freedom of people to exercise real choices and enhance their capabilities to live healthy, long, and meaningful lives. For Afghans, human development means government institutions and a society that educates its young, offers medical services to all, facilitates sustainable livelihoods, and ensures peace in a manner consistent with Islam. Achieving this requires a profound commitment by the Government of Afghanistan and its citizens to social justice based upon the rule of law and democratic empowerment of all Afghans. The 2007 Afghanistan Human Development Report: Bridging Modernity and Tradition - the Rule of Law and the Search for Justice builds on the 2004 Afghanistan Human Development Report. The human development conceptual framework and associated indicators were applied to better understand how justice and the rule of law can be strengthened to advance human development in Afghanistan. In addition to providing conceptual and other analytical tools for measuring and comprehending the linkages between human development and the rule of law, this Report presents bold policy alternatives to strengthen the rule of law in Afghanistan, including through formal and informal systems of justice.

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