UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP's Regional Bureau for Africa (RBA) provides trusted, world-class strategic analysis, targeted operations to enhance development effectiveness, sound and innovative policy advise, and focused thought leadership on Africa's development trajectory. UNDP's Global Policy Network (GPN) is the engine for thought leadership, UNDP's programmatic work and a vital delivery mechanism of our integration function. The SDG Integration Team of the GPN's Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) facilitates the delivery of an effective integration offer to countries and the UN Development System, leveraging substantive connections across teams and approaches to complex challenges, leading a new way of working across UNDP's flagship initiatives, workstreams and capacities.
In partnership with the University of Pretoria, UNDP will be offering an applied course for experienced economists in the design and application of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling. This virtual course will require a commitment of al least 10 hours per week to complete the course work and the applied CGE assignment, in collaboration with a mentor. The course will strengthen existing skills by improving the capacity of BA economists to analyze economic developments, forecast trends and conduct relevant scenario analyses. This executive-style course will include self-paced learning modules, practical exercises, professional mentoring and the completion of an empirically-based research project. The skills development sections will include: a refresher on the basics of CGE, data collection and collation, construction of a macro model of the national economy, simulation of shocks, and scenario analysis. Faculty from University of Pretoria and staff from BA will serve as mentors.
Course Outline
Weeks 1 and 2: CGE Basics --- A Refresher
This section will provide a refresher of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling skills and underlying theoretical frameworks. The aim is to make sure candidates understand the different hypothesis and specifications. Some time will be spent on the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and on writing on GAMS. It is important to note here that the assumption is that the researchers are very familiar, and have had experience with CGE modelling.
Weeks 3 and 4: Applied CGE Modeling
This session focuses on introducing, in more detail, the standard static CGE model. Candidates will go through a simple CGE model that is ready to be adapted to their country. This section is designed for country-level analysis, and is an operational tool for researchers to easily adapt a relatively standard national economic models.
Weeks 5 to 12: Working on Simulations
Following from the previous session where the candidates learned the standard static model and started adapting it to their specific country and updating the SAM. During this session, candidates will work with an assigned mentor to develop their country-focused model, define and test scenarios, test the model, and in this session, candidates will finalise and test their model, and prepare an analytical report with precise findings and recommendations. .
Weeks 13 to 18: Report Preparation
At this stage, candidates will have finalised their modelling and will focus on researching and writing their report. Candidates are expected to have a full draft of their report and a PowerPoint presentation detailing findings and recommendations. Candidates will solicit and integrate comments from their mentors and regional experts.
Weeks 19 and 20: Finalization and Presentation of Model and Report
Candidates will finalize and present their models and reports.
Application Details
Interested candidates should submit application packages before March 19, 2021.
For more information, please contact:
Babatunde Abidoye: babatunde.abidoye@undp.org
Charmaine Galante: charmaine.galante@up.ac.za