The start of something good: at the Ghana Kenya Expo, first signs of how increased intra – African trade will transform the continent

July 4, 2023

From top left and clock-wise: Florence Cossou Tomaza, Bright Aferi, Aforla Jennifer Eweonam, Gifty Ahiadzo and Theresa Poku showcasing their products during the Ghana-Kenya Expo in May 2023.

During the last week of May 2023, in a bustling hall at the Sarit Expo Centre in Nairobi, small business owners eagerly showed off their products: honey, baby food, cosmetics, leather, clothes, shoes and more. 

Look beyond the surface and a greater drama was taking place. Each sales table was a launch pad. Each vendor was trying to make their dreams take flight.

Just after the Ghana Trade House was launched in Kenya, over 65 Ghanaian and 20 Kenyan micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) participated in the Ghana – Kenya Market Entry Expo facilitated by both the governments.

This Expo gave businesses from Ghana a  chance to expand into the vast opportunities of the East African market through Kenya. As the vision of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is realized, more and more expos like this will support a growing number of vendors, consumers, and economies drive economic growth and integration.

The Ghana-Kenya Expo took place from 22 to 27 May 2023 and provided Ghanaian traders the opportunity to enter the East African market.

UNDP Africa

Among the many exhibitors who poured their hearts into showcasing their products and services, five businesses supported by UNDP stood out.

Aforla Jennifer Eweonam, the founder of Dzordzoe Skincare, says, "Positioning my brand in the East African market has been a priority, and the Ghana - Kenya Expo was the perfect platform for me." Her skincare products, crafted with natural ingredients and infused with a touch of Ghanaian culture, captured the attention of Kenyan consumers. With increased visibility, Aforla's brand is poised to make a lasting impact on the East African skincare industry.

Theresa Poku, the owner of Ohu Farms, has also long dreamt of expanding into the wider African market. “The AfCFTA provides the perfect opportunity to make it a reality,” she shared. Her company specializes in organic produce including pineapple products and cocoa power, and the Expo helped Theresa build partnerships that will pave the way for a thriving presence in the East African market.

Florence Cossou Tomaza, the founder of Mazia Co Ltd., says the Expo was “an invaluable platform to gain insights and forge meaningful connections.” Her company, dedicated to producing premium honey and tea products, garnered attention for its exceptional quality and distinct flavors. Through the Expo, Florence connected with potential customers and gained valuable market intelligence to guide her endeavors in East Africa.

Gifty Ahiadzo, a representative of Rosswood Co Ltd., says the impact of the Ghana - Kenya Expo went beyond business success—it was about making a positive difference in people's lives. Rosswood is a women-led company that produces healthy nut snacks, and the Expo gave them a chance to show their cashew products, including varieties such as chocolate coated, salted, unsalted, and spiced cashews. "We are nourishing the communities and putting smiles on people’s faces,” says Gifty. “Customers in Kenya seem to like our products and are asking for more." With their dedication to quality and sustainable farming practices, Rosswood is determined to gain a significant impact in East Africa, expanding their reach and improving livelihoods in the region. 

Bright Aferi, the founder of Hill Bill Co Ltd., says that Expo customers were “surprised to discover that these shoes were made in Ghana. This fills us with joy and makes us feel that we are producing something truly unique.” Hill Bill Co Ltd.’s impressive range of shoes, crafted with precision and infused with Ghanaian artistry, won the hearts of Kenyan consumers. The Expo helped them solidify their reputation as a distinguished brand in the East African footwear market.

The Ghana Kenya Expo was held from 23 to 27 May 2023 and organized by the AfCFTA National Coordinating Office in Ghana with support from the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) and development partners, including the World Bank, GIZ and UNDP. 

These vendors’ experiences are the building blocks of a vibrant, united continent. Through platforms like the Ghana - Kenya Market Entry Expo and the ideals of the AfCFTA, Africa takes another step to fulfilling its potential as an economic powerhouse, fueled by the dreams of its people.