Our Partners


Partnerships are at the heart of everything UNDP does. By working together with other actors, we could achieve more than we ever could alone. From governments and civil society organizations to the private sector and academia, our partnerships span a broad spectrum of sectors and regions. Together, we help to drive positive change across the region.

Some of the partners we work with include:

Governments: We collaborate with governments to strengthen institutions, promote good governance, and empower countries to achieve sustainable development by aligning our efforts with national priorities. They also contribute to UNDP's work globally through donor and programme country contributions. Learn more about the contributing countries that make UNDP’s work possible. 

United Nations System: As Vice Co-Chair of the Africa Regional Collaborative Platform (RCP) and Co-Chair of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS), UNDP helps advance the sustainable development agenda by working closely with several UN entities, including implementing Joint Programming in the region.

Civil Society Organizations: UNDP values civil society's active involvement, which constitutes the full range of formal and informal organizations. This includes social movements, volunteer organizations, indigenous peoples' organizations, mass-based membership organizations, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations, as well as communities and citizens acting individually and collectively.  

International Financial Institutions: International Financial Institutions (IFIs) play an invaluable role as development partners by channelling resources, expertise and support to countries and communities in need. Some IFIs we work with include the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank.

Private Sector: Private sector engagement is crucial to driving innovation, exploring new development frontiers, creating opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship for many people in the region, especially women and youth.

Foundations: We recognise the tremendous knowledge foundations offer, ranging from governance and environment to health and entrepreneurship, and work with them at the community level to better address local issues. 

Academic and Research Organizations: Collaboration with academic and research organizations helps ensure our development and policy initiatives are well-informed, evidence-based and capable of addressing complex issues. 


Join Us in Making a Difference

Together, we can explore cutting-edge solutions to tackle complex development challenges, champion important causes, and ensure no one is left behind.

To partner with us, contact waca.communications@undp.org.