Solar Systems for Resilient Agriculture and Vocational Training Inaugurated in Huíla

October 14, 2024
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Denise António, RR of UNDP Angola, RR of WFP, José Ferrão and students from the Youth Village in Matala

PNUD Angola | Edgar Muinga
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Inauguration of the Solar System at the Matala Youth Village

On 9 and 10 October, a delegation with representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP) visited Huíla province for institutional meetings and inaugurations in the regions of Matala and Humpata.

The visit took place as part of the Renewable Energy Promotion Project, which aims to improve access to sustainable energy, generating new job opportunities in rural areas.

As well as meetings with local authorities and partners, the agenda included the inauguration of solar energy systems at the INEFOP Training Centre in Lubango and at the Youth Citadel in Matala, promoting technical and professional education adapted to local needs.

The ceremony, which took place in the Matala Citadel, was attended by the Municipal Administrator of Matala, Dr Manuel Quilende, the Provincial Director of INEFOP, Dr Alberto Bartolomeu, the Advisor to the Provincial Government of Huila, Dr Otto Adriano and the WFP Resident Representative, Dr José Ferrão.

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The two centres (Lubango and Matala) are training young people in the installation and maintenance of solar systems. In addition, the systems provide continuous access to clean energy, guaranteeing the ongoing training of young people, and the efficient and uninterrupted operation of infrastructure, irrigation systems and equipment for more than 235 students who, in addition to their academic education, are gaining practical experience in areas such as farming, electricity and carpentry.

The delegation also visited the training and practical skills centre for solar panels, where 111 young people are scheduled to graduate in Solar Energy and Photovoltaics in 2024.

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a person cutting a pizza on a grill

On 10 October, the Solar Power Plant, irrigation systems and the Agricultural Products Processing Centre were inaugurated in the Humpata region, benefiting more than 235 families in the Palanca community who now have access to clean energy.

In total, 93 30W residential solar systems and 12 450W systems for agricultural activities were installed, including a water well and drip irrigation system.  

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During the ceremony, the UNDP Resident Representative, Denise Antonio, was honoured with a special turban reserved for the outstanding women of the Palanca community, given directly by the Sobeta, the traditional leader of the area. 

Being the first time that a ‘Mulele’ has been given to a visitor in the region, the act represents the community's recognition of the UNDP's work in promoting sustainable development.

Denise António emphasised the relevance of this initiative for the development of sustainable enterprises led by young people and women, boosting inclusive and sustainable regional growth and reducing economic inequalities.

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"Além de promover a resiliência climática, esta iniciativa está alinhada com o compromisso do PNUD de aumentar o acesso à energia limpa para 100 milhões de pessoas por toda a África, facilitando o acesso a trabalho digno e melhorando as condições de vida das comunidades", afirmou.


‘We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this initiative which demonstrates the profound impact of investments aimed at promoting access to sustainable energy not only in transforming communities and economic empowerment, particularly for young people and women, but also in promoting resilience to climate shocks,’ said José Ferrão, WFP Representative in Angola.