Hackathon #Q8vsCovid19 Series 2: Regional Ideathon

September 8, 2020

Date: 13 September 2020

UNDP Kuwait , General Secretariat for the Supreme Council of Planning and Development, and World Bank are partnering to launch a Regional Ideathon in the Hackathon series. The Ideathon is the 2nd in the Hackathon Series, participants from the Arab Region will identify specific challenges facing public sector entities and propose innovative ideas for solutions that are effective and efficient to be implemented in real life. Teams who will be participating will provide solutions that will improve collaboration, optimize interactive engagement, and encourage knowledge sharing within and across organizations.

Teams should be composed with 3-7 members and reside in one of the Arab states and must include at least one team member who is a public sector employee, and at least one member who holds the nationality of one of the Arab countries.

You can register via this link(link is external)