Somali farmer grows watermelons in Puntland

HDP Nexus

Humanitarian-Development Peace Nexus Approaches in Conflict and Disaster Settings

The humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDP nexus, or Triple nexus) approach is a way of working with the populations affected by crisis to reduce their humanitarian needs by addressing key root causes and decreasing risks and vulnerabilities they face.

The HDP nexus strives to enhance the coordination, collaboration and coherence of humanitarian, development and peace actions, particularly in protracted crises and conflict settings. 
graphical user interface, website

    Acting as a bridge between humanitarian, development and peace actors, to catalyze system-wide coherence on nexus approaches and engagement.

    Contributing to ‘ending need’ by scaling up integrated development and peace programming.

    Helping to develop financing strategies for nexus approaches, which bring together international, national, public and private finance.

    Approaches to peace in the HDP nexus

    Activities aimed at sustaining peace adopt different approaches, depending on the context and objectives.

    'Big P' interventions directly target political solutions or securitized responses to violent conflict, often supported by a United Nations Security Council mandate. They may involve
    peace agreements.

    ‘Little p’ actions are focused on empowering individuals and transforming social dynamics, building the capacity for peace and for conflict prevention and management within institutions and broader society. This includes building trust and social cohesion.

    ‘Negative peace’ signifies the absence of direct violence, like a ceasefire.

    ‘Positive peace’ involves resolving conflicts constructively, restoring positive relationships, and establishing a social system that meets everyone's needs.