Erbil, Iraq – Today UNDP Iraq has concluded a two-day discussion forum on reintegration in Iraq, bringing together over fifty key government representatives, non-governmental organizations, partners, and stakeholders from across Iraq to discuss the importance of reintegration in strengthening the social fabric of Iraq’s communities, especially those witnessing returns of families perceived as affiliated with ISIL, with focus on the caseload repatriated from Al-hol camp in north-east Syria.
The discussion forum, Community Reintegration in Iraq: Progress, Lessons Learned, and the Way Forward included an inclusive discussion on reintegration efforts and lessons learned in Iraq and globally. Today, a key focus of discussion included the gender aspect of reintegration, including key findings from new UNDP studies on reintegration and the Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) from a gender-sensitive lens.
Launched today and available online, Between perpetration and prevention of violent extremism: Accounting for gender and Affiliated with ISIS: Challenges for the return and reintegration of women and children provide an overview of reintegration and violent extremism challenges which often disproportionately affect women and children. The studies and discussion are intended to contribute to advancing peace and stability in Iraq.
According to UNDP Iraq Resident Representative Zena Ali-Ahmad, “It has been five years since ISIL has been defeated in Iraq, and attention must now be paid to target the remaining displaced Iraqis, including through the return and reintegration of the families with perceived affiliation to ISIL who are stigmatized, marginalized and hardest to return. UNDP, with our multitude of partners, is prioritizing community reintegration and rehabilitation efforts in Iraq, including a concentrated focus on women.”
Saaed Al Jayashi, Strategic Advisor, Office of the National Security Advisory, emphasizes, “Iraq will adopt the first complete national strategy for reintegration to be developed with support from UNDP, including an international exchange of experiences. The government of Iraq will build on the results of this discussion forum, to be reflected in the reintegration policies and plans of action.”
UNDP Iraq’s five-year Social Cohesion Programme launched in January 2020 to promote stronger, peaceful, and more cohesive communities in all areas of Iraq.
Media contact:
Miriam Pineau, Communications Analyst | | +964 790 110 1982