Together we talk: guiding respectful digital dialogue

Together we talk: guiding respectful digital dialogue English

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Together we talk: guiding respectful digital dialogue

April 25, 2024

Behavioural science can inform efforts to reduce dangerous speech and promote peaceful dialogue. The Countering Hate Speech Toolkit, titled “Together We Talk,” provides resources to empower individuals, organizations, and communities in their efforts to identify and counter the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation content through human-centered and behaviourally informed approaches. The toolkit was developed by UNDP Sudan, in coordination with the Amman Regional Hub. It is a locally developed product that draws inspiration from experiences from around the world and is intended to be scaled regionally and globally. 

To hear from UNDP Sudan about the Toolkit, please listen to this session on Information Integrity during the 2024 UN Behavioural Science Week.

Document Type
Regions and Countries