For a Future-Ready Workforce

July 9, 2024


In an effort to prepare a future-ready workforce, the UNDP collaborated across its portfolios on the promotion of a green agenda in Armenia. This cooperation bridged the "Unleashing Employment and Income Generating Opportunities for Youth in the Regions of Armenia" and the “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” projects. As a result, a comprehensive two-day training course titled "Solar Panel Installation, Renovation, and Maintenance" was launched in Aghveran at the end of June 2024. The course targeted relevant faculty from all state-run VET institutions (VETIs) delivering classes on renewable energy and aimed at the preparation of technicians (preliminary level of vocational education and training (VET)).  

Nowadays, the growing number of solar system installations in Armenia has led to a high demand in the domestic labor market for technicians skilled in solar panel installation, renovation, and maintenance. As a result, technical and vocational education colleges are in need to adopt existing or introduce new curricula in the field of solar energy to equip VET teachers and students with contemporary knowledge and skills of the sector.

In light of the above-mentioned, the training of the VET teaching staff was one of the pivotal steps to support the VET system to catch up with the labor market demand and to adapt the learning context to the needs of employers to prepare a qualified labor force. 

Karine Simonyan, Coordinator of the "Unleashing Employment and Income Generating Opportunities for Youth in the Regions of Armenia" project, emphasized the project's comprehensive approach during her welcome remarks. “This approach includes the development of a three-hour online course on solar energy, ongoing upgrades to the laboratory facilities at the Abovyan State College of Power Engineering with solar energy training stands and, finally, the provision of training for VET faculty from all the state-run VET institutions teaching or planning to teach courses on solar energy”. 

Similarly, a new solar energy module was developed and piloted at Alaverdi State College under the “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” UNDP-SIDA project, which also provided the college with laboratory equipment. Through UNDP's cross-portfolio collaboration, the positive outcomes of these pilot initiatives were disseminated across the VET sector during the two-day training program. 

“This was my first experience with such a comprehensive and highly effective training program," remarked Artur Arzumanyan, a lecturer from Syunik Regional State College. "Alongside my first specialization in telecommunications, I gained additional knowledge in solar panel installation and maintenance. I plan to apply this newfound expertise in my daily work starting from the upcoming academic year." 

Another participant, Lusine Melikyan from Yerevan Regional College after N. Achemyan, underscored the significance of knowledge-sharing through training programs. "We are grateful for the excellent opportunity to exchange know-how, discuss challenges and best practices, and to be introduced to the newly developed modular program, modern textbooks, and laboratory equipment for launching the same occupation in our college." 


The "Unleashing Employment and Income Generating Opportunities for Youth in the Regions of Armenia" project is implemented by UNDP in Armenia. The project aims at supporting the fulfilment of the youth’s potential and wellbeing in the regions of Armenia through improved education opportunities, facilitated labor market transition, and entrepreneurship. 

“Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” UNDP-SIDA project objective is to enhance the economic, environmental, and social resilience of Alaverdi consolidated community of Armenia by developing, piloting, and scaling a model for energy efficient and low carbon development that can be replicated in other communities of the country.