Asia-Pacific SDG Financing Facility

UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub is the Secretariat for the Asia-Pacific SDG Financing Facility (APFIN), a country-led regional platform, chaired by the Government of the Maldives, which supports countries to design, implement and scale financing strategies for national sustainable development priorities. The technical assistance facility is a platform for regional dialogue, cooperation, and sharing of country knowledge and experiences. It is responding to the growing demand from ministries of finance in Asia-Pacific to establish evidence and analysis, and introduce policy and institutional reforms toward strengthening integrated national financing frameworks (INFFs).
The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Financing the SDGs: Together we can do more
APFIN supporting country financing strategies
Featured Publications
Development Finance Assessment Guidebook: A tool for countries to finance the Sustainable Development Goals
This guidebook outlines the objectives, process, analysis and outcomes of a DFA. It is designed for government officials as well as UNDP country offices and UN country teams (UNCT) and other stakeholders such as development partners, civil society organizations (CSOs) and private sector organizations that are interested in participating in the DFA process. more >
Integrated Financing Solutions: How countries around the world are innovating to finance the Sustainable Development Goals
This report responds to the demand for practical guidance on integrated approaches to financing that have been identified through the DFAs. It showcases innovations that countries are making as part of efforts to develop more integrated, holistic approaches to financing the SDGs. more >
Our Services
Financing the SDGs in Asia-Pacific
UNDP is scaling up approaches to finance the SDGs and offer strategic services to managing, mobilizing and channeling financing for the SDGs across public and private sectors. This Brief lays out some examples of progress across the region, where countries are mobilizing finance from actors beyond the government, and shaping policies conducive to sustainable, inclusive development of the private sector and civil society. more >
Development Finance Assessments (DFAs)
- Development Finance Assessment Guidebook
- Bangladesh
- Cambodia
- Lao PDR
- Marshall Island
- Mongolia
- Nepal
- Philippines
- Samoa
- Solomon Island
- Timor-Leste
- Viet Nam
Development Finance Assessment (DFA) Snapshots
Regional & Country Reports
ASEAN-China-UNDP Financing the Sustainable Development Goals in ASEAN
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Era of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda
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