Disaster risk reduction

Disaster risk reduction

UNDP’s disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts aim to ‘risk-inform’ development in line with the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(link is external) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction(link is external). Specifically, UNDP works with country partners to strengthen national and subnational policy, legal and institutional frameworks; foster greater coherence of DRR and climate adaptation efforts; provide access to risk information and early warning systems; and strengthen preparedness and recovery measures.

Since 2005, UNDP has invested US$2.1 billion in disaster risk reduction and recovery. UNDP has worked with UN System agencies and partners to increase political commitment to integrating disaster risk reduction into economic and social planning processes. This included advocating jointly with United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) for the inclusion of ‘risk governance’ as a key element of the Sendai Framework. In furtherance of this mandate, UNDP implements a range of joint initiatives at global level and supports others at regional and country level.