Regional Workshop: Strengthening Regional Partnerships for Climate Transition

May 29, 2024

In the wake of mounting concerns over climate change and its detrimental impact on global development, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement have emerged as beacons of hope, guiding nations towards a sustainable future. At the heart of this journey lies the Asia-Pacific region, where vulnerability to climate change is starkly pronounced. Recognizing the urgent need for action, stakeholders from across the spectrum convened at a landmark workshop, jointly curated by the UNEP – Finance Initiative, supported by the UK and Sweden, and hosted at UNDP, to chart a course towards a resilient and inclusive future.

The workshop served as a crucial platform for policymakers, financial institutions, experts, and the private sector to converge, sharing insights, experiences, and strategies to accelerate the climate transition. With climate change identified as one of the greatest impediments to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the imperative for collective action has never been more pressing.

Central to the discussions was the recognition of the interlinkages between climate change, rising inequalities, and their disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable. This acknowledgement has galvanized momentum for transitioning towards sustainable financing systems that prioritize inclusivity, well-being, gender equality, and environmental preservation. Both the public and private sectors were underscored as indispensable players in this transformative journey.