Webinar on Energizing Green Investment through Unlocking Private Finance for a Sustainable Pacific

South-South and Triangular Cooperation Knowledge Series on Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific

July 16, 2024

Implementing Agency

The webinar, moderated by Ms. Irina Lazzerini (UNDP Samoa-MCO), focused on importance of private sector participation, innovative financing mechanisms, and regional collaboration to overcome challenges and drive green transformation in the Pacific. This webinar was organized as part of the project on promoting green transformation in the Pacific through the Pacific Green Transformation Project, funded by Japan and implemented in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Timor-Leste, and Vanuatu. More than 120 persons attended this webinar representing government agencies, private sector from the Pacific region and beyond, as well as UN agencies and other development partners.
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In his opening remarks Mr. Gerd Trogemann (UNDP BRH) emphasized that the green transformation processes of this magnitude and complexity need all of governments and all of society support and engagement as they go well beyond the energy sector itself. Public and private finance and investments at large scale are needed to advance clean energy development, just transitions, and equitable access to green solutions. National energy funds, blended finance facilities, public private partnerships which can be used to de-risk investment especially in rural and underserved areas are critical. Given the predominance of SMEs in the blue and green economies, it is particularly important to identify how to promote access to affordable finance for them through better policies, regulation, and various financial instruments. Without these, many of the important investments that are being catalyzed through the actions of partners will not take root and will not be sustained.

Mr. Howard Politini (Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization) in his remarks underlined the serious challenges in the Pacific region such as high cost of transportation, small scale of economies, and risks related to high level of vulnerability of the region to natural disasters. Nevertheless, a private sector in the Pacific is thriving with its own dynamics. For private sector to be successful it is important to have effective leadership, innovation, and stakeholder inclusivity. For governments to have a responsibility to support marketplace values and strengthen economies by brand recognition of local products and services. Therefore, knowledge sharing and best practices for market standards and sustainability are important. He is witnessing positive trends of growing participation and interest of private sector in renewable energy in constructing solar farms and biomass-based energy in the region.

The panel discussions covered various challenges faced by the Pacific region, including geographic constraints, high capital costs, dependence on imports, and the need for strategic stakeholder engagement. Panelists highlighted the role of the private sector in green energy development, the importance of knowledge sharing, and the need for strategic stakeholder engagement.

Mr. Georgewin Garae (National Green Energy Fund, Vanuatu) shared information on activities of NGEF. The fund managed to mobilize $4.3 million from the Government of Vanuatu, and so far, it has funded the implementation of 150 projects in constructing stand-alone solar PVs, solar water pumps, and streetlights. The fund, with the support of international development agencies, is providing financial products such as concessional loans and grants to entrepreneurs, public institutions, and individual households. The participation of commercial banks in RE sector remains very low due to the high costs and risks in project implementation, which makes banks’ interest rates high. NGEF is negotiating with few commercial banks to bring down interest rates below 10% to boost green entrepreneurship.

Ms. Priscilla Kevin (Pacific First Investor Network-PFIN) explained how the network is supporting acceleration of green entrepreneurship in the Pacific countries focusing on agriculture, STEM and ICT, and women-led enterprises with an UN SDG focus, as well as introducing angel investor concept to the Pacific. She highlighted five lessons learned from her experience working in the Pacific region relating to SMEs acceleration and development – (i) better policies in creating business enabling environment in the Pacific should be enhanced, (ii) making available incubation, accelerator and co-working facilities with access to electricity and internet is important for small businesses to grow, (iii) developing financial, business and digital ICT literacy is essential, (iv) diversifying and improving access to finance and markets for small businesses to be continued and (v) sharing knowledge, tools, best practices, evidence-based solutions are important in the region.
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Mr. Anthony Koiri (Autonomous Bougainville Government, PNG) focused on leveraging unique status, policy work, and attracting private sector investments in his region. He informed that most of the funding in developing renewable energy is provided by the government and donor agencies. In 2018 during the APEC Summit in Port Moresby, governments of Japan, Australia, and New Zealand agreed to provide $1.5 billion to improve rural electrification in PNG. Currently most of the private investments in Bougainville are concentrated in mining sector. However, the new vision is to make those investors to contribute to the development of renewables such as solar and wind power. Bougainville region has large capacity to generate geothermal energy, which needs to be explored further. In general, attraction of any private investment depends on the economic growth and political stability of the region.

Ms. Julinette Bayking (USAID-Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership) presented that despite PNG’s on-grid and off-grid sectors represent investment opportunities worth to $4 billion, the county is still facing challenges such as lack of effective policy and regulatory frameworks, financing and funding issues, and poor infrastructure. The USAID-PEP is providing technical assistance to address those challenges by supporting the PNG’s electricity generating and regulating authorities, developing off-grid electrification, and catalyzing private investment in the renewable sector. She shared interesting examples of their work in establishing catalytic fund to provide co-financing opportunities for private sector; working with local financial institutions like women-focused microfinance provider to enhance their ability to provide better designed loans; promoting public-private partnerships (PPP) bringing together local governments and private sector to jointly implement projects; and supporting business networking for local entrepreneurs.

From the academia’s perspective, Dr. Dharish David (Singapore Institute of Management) highlighted that the PPP's are important as many developing countries cannot easily mobilize public funds necessary for green transition, while private sector needs profit making opportunities. He noted that global trends indicate a growing number of PPPs in the energy sector, with renewable energy steadily increasing its share, particularly over the past decade. Although coal-based PPPs have traditionally dominated the ASEAN region's energy sector, declining technology costs are creating more opportunities in clean energy. Notably, solar, wind, and geothermal energy have gained prominence in South and Southeast Asia over the 5 years, with potential expansion to the Pacific. The experiences of island nations like the Philippines and Indonesia, especially Indonesia’s “1,000 Islands – Renewable Energy for Electrification Programme” (REEP), could provide valuable insights for the Pacific region. Green energy PPP projects are already being actively implemented in the Pacific, focusing on solar and wind energy.
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Mr. Jose Manuel Soares de Araujo (Directorate-General for Electricity, Water, and Sanitation Regulation, Timor-Leste) informed that the country’s energy production is remaining fossil fuel based. However, under the National Strategic Development Plan for 2011-2030 the government is planning to reach the renewable energy production to 450 megawatts using solar, wind, hydro, and biomass power. He pointed out to ongoing challenges that the country is facing, which include high dependency on imported diesel that makes the cost of electricity very high; poor transmission and distribution quality that causes energy losses; lack of renewable energy projects due to absence of legal framework and country’s capacity assessment in renewable energy; and lastly weak energy efficiency monitoring. Currently his organization is finalizing the Renewable Energy Decree Law to be submitted to the Government. The adoption of legal framework in renewable energy will create clarity for potential investor to effectively participate in clean energy sector projects.
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Mr. Naoki Takanashi (Kaihatsu Management Consulting) shared his experience working in the Pacific countries. He said that there were big opportunities for introducing new technologies in renewable energy sector in the Pacific. Although the region has own limitations such as small size, geographic remoteness and isolation, and proneness to natural calamities, there are available technologies for renewable energy development including hydro (pico-hydro power generation), wind (vertical axis turbines), and biomass (converting the waste to energy). He also shared an interesting case of the project in Vanuatu – a service by Toshiba providing solar-charged electrical products to remote areas with no access to electricity that can reduce capital investment costs and environmental impact. This project was a success, and it is in the process of expansion to other regions of Vanuatu and the Pacific.
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In his closing remarks, Mr. Riad Meddeb (UNDP Sustainable Energy Hub) emphasized the fact that despite the progress towards universal energy access, the region accounts for over half of global energy consumption, with 85% coming from fossil fuels. CO2 emissions have risen by 142% in the past 20 years, driven by rapid urbanization and industrialization. However, green investment and finance present opportunities for transitioning to clean energy, with global investment expected to exceed $3 trillion by 2024. Developing countries, excluding China, only account for 15% of clean energy spending, highlighting the need to capitalize on financial and energy market opportunities. Tailored solutions, collaboration, innovative financing, and digital technologies can expedite sustainable energy development, drawing lessons from Pacific Island countries. Through South-South and triangular cooperation, we can play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange and regional collaboration among Pacific Island countries and other developing nations in the Asia Pacific.

Short Biographies


Gerd Trogemann
Gerd Trogemann
Regional Programme and Policy Network, Asia-Pacific Regional Hub
Country: Germany

Previously, Mr. Gerd Trogemann has been the Manager of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia Istanbul Regional Hub and acting Director and Deputy Director of the Regional Service Centre for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He led the change management processes underpinning the relocation of the previous sub-regional office from South Africa to Ethiopia. Prior to this, he served as Director a.i. and Deputy Director for Resources Mobilization in New York as well as with the UNV programme in various programme and management functions. Before joining the UN, he headed the office of the Spokesperson for Development Policy of the Liberal Parliamentary Group in the German Parliament (1992-1994). Gerd studied in Germany, Vietnam and the UK. He holds a Master’s degree in Southeast Asia Studies, Law and Economics.

Howard Politini
Howard Politini
Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization
Country: Fiji

Mr. Howard Politini has a 48-years of professional experience at national and international levels in several careers including Teaching, Quality Management Leadership, Military, Management & Aviation Security and Human Resources & Industrial Relations. He is currently leading the PIPSO dedicating his experience to promote effective private sector representation in regional policy making processes and relevant business development activities. He is effectively facilitating PIPSO members’ needs for the development of the private sector, promoting effective partnerships involving governments, civil society, regional organizations, and development partners in building a coherent voice at regional and international levels. At the same time, Mr. Politini continues to serve on numerous boards across government, state owned enterprises, private sector, and faith based and philanthropic organizations.

Riad Meddeb
Riad Meddeb
Director, Sustainable Energy Hub
Country: France

Mr. Riad Meddeb is the Director of the UNDP Sustainable Energy Hub, providing expertise and guidance on policy and decision-making processes related to energy access and a just energy transition across 170 countries. Over the years, Mr. Meddeb has served in UNDP as Senior Principal Advisor on SIDS and Interim Director the UNDP Global Centre for Technology, Innovation, and Sustainable Development in Singapore. Previously, he co-led the development of the Climate Investment Platform - a joint initiative with the IRENA, SE4ALL, and the Green Climate Fund. Mr. Meddeb holds degrees in Economics and Finance from the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne. Prior to joining UNDP, he was an Economist at the UNCTAD, ILO, and in the private sector and lectured at the University of Paris V.

Irina Lazzerini 
Senior Energy Policy Specialist, Samoa MCO

Before joining UNDP, Ms. Lazzerini worked as Principal Specialist in Clean Energy at Sustainable Energy for All building the organization’s presence in Asia Pacific, managing the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy compact and the development of the Southeast Asia Renewable Manufacturing Initiative. Before that she was Senior Sustainable Energy Expert at the Energy Community Secretariat’s European Green Deal Unit (Vienna, Austria). She brings over 16 years of work and research experience, mostly in the field of international climate mitigation policies, with focus on Europe (Western Balkans, Eastern Countries) and Asia (China, Korea, Japan, ASEAN, ASEM). Before joining the Energy Community, she was research fellow on sustainable development at Tsinghua University (Beijing), policy officer for Asia international relations within the European Commission Environment Directorate General (Brussels) and senior energy analyst at Enel Foundation (Italy). She worked with UNIDO on green industry policy and co-authored several publications on energy transitions with EURICUR (Rotterdam). She cooperated with the World Economic Forum to evaluating the impact of renewables on off-grid households in emerging economies and co-authored a chapter of ‘Innovating Climate Governance’, published by Cambridge University Press in March 2018. Ms. Lazzerini holds both a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in economics, Languages and Juridical Institutions of Eastern Asia from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice; a Postgraduate Master degree in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe, Natolin, Poland, and an executive MBA on Renewables from Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT). She is fluent in English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, and German.

Georgewin Garae
Georgewin Garae
Fund Manager and Board Secretary Hub
National Green Energy Fund (NGEF)
Country: Vanuatu

Mr. Georgewin Garae joined the NGEF initially as a Project Manager in November 2017 and assisted with the successful establishment of the Fund after the National Parliament unanimously tabled the NGEF Act No. 10 2018. He previously worked with the Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority, the Department of Cooperative and Business Development Services and the Penama Provincial Government heading its Administration. He supported activities on resource mobilization of new funds, develop & implement concessional lending products for solar PV systems and energy efficiency projects targeting households, MSMEs and public institutions in off-grids areas currently generating more than 570 KWHs of electricity produced per day. Mr. Garae graduated from the University of the South Pacific with a BA in Business Studies in 2008 and a Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the University of Adelaide in 2016.

Jose Manuel Soares de Araujo
Jose Manuel Soares de Araujo
Technical Advisor, 
Directorate General for Regulation of Electricity, Water, and Sanitation Sectors
Country: Timor-Leste

Mr. Araujo is a leading expert in renewable energy as the Technical Advisor for the National Directorate for Electricity Regulation in the Government of Timor-Leste. Mr. Araujo plays a key role in ensuring the preparation of key documents and supports informed policy decisions, driving the growth and efficiency of Timor-Leste's renewable energy sector. From June 2021 to August 2023, he served as Senior Renewable Energy Officer at Timor-Leste's National Authority for Electricity (ANE, I.P.), where he worked for advancing renewable energy integration and strengthening regulatory frameworks. Mr. Araujo hold a Master Degree of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Gifu University in Japan and currently pursue a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the same university.

Anthony Koiri
Anthony Koiri
Secretary of the Department of Technical Services, 
Autonomous Bougainville Government
Country: Papua New Guinea

Mr. Anthony Koiri has 30 years of experience in technical and managerial positions. He started his career as engineer in PNG’s Electricity Commission (ELCOM), currently PNG Power Limited (PPL), and worked in various substation projects and was promoted to Manager for Transmission. He progressively grew in his career taking roles as General Manager for Operations and served as CEO of PPL. In his term as CEO Mr. Koiri led the rapid growth of PPL both in profitability, asset value and improvement in reliability of supply. He also worked in senior positions in private firms that provided engineering and consulting services. Mr. Koiri obtained a Degree in Engineering from the University of Technology, PNG and completed a post-graduate training program in ELCOM.

Priscilla Kevin
Priscilla Kevin
Regional Project Lead
Pacific First Investor Network
Country: Papua New Guinea

Ms. Priscilla Kevin is Regional Project Lead of Pacific First Investors Network and Vice President and co-founder of Digital ICT Cluster also founded of the PNG Women in STEM Association in 2017 to encourage more women to take up these male-dominated fields. She also runs her own ICT consultancy firm In4net, specializing in enterprise resource planning, ICT advisory consulting and project management. Priscilla sits on the board of a variety of other organizations including her recent appointment to Bank of South Pacific Ltd Board of Directors 2020, the PNG Computer Society, Institute of National Affairs, Unitech Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) and former Pacific Internet Chapter ISO. Priscilla Kevin is a technology specialist and entrepreneur who dreams of making Papua New Guinea “the Silicon Valley of the Pacific”. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree (with Merit) in Computer Sciences from the PNG University of Technology.

Dharish David
Dharish David
Associate Professor
Singapore Institute of Management
Country: India

Mr. Dharish David is an associate faculty for the University of London at Singapore Institute of Management – Global Education. In his recent role, he was the industry research manager for a Japanese startup in Singapore, managing an analysts’ team covering India, ASEAN, and China across 16 main industry verticals. He previously worked at the ADB Institute as a research associate working on green growth and infrastructure development in Asia. He received his doctorate from Waseda University (Japan) specializing in infrastructure development and financing. He has written widely on infrastructure development, economic development, and startup market. He also has also consulted for projects on technology policy, sustainable development, renewable energy for other regional think tanks, and research firms. He has written several book chapters, academic articles, business insight, and thematic reports, apart from regularly writing short insight pieces and op-eds in renowned platforms.

Julinette Bayking
Julinette Bayking
Senior PPP/Project Finance Advisor
USAID-PNG Electrification Partnership
Country: Philippines

Ms. Julinette Bayking has extensive regional experience in policy, strategy and transaction/project structuring and implementation working across several countries in Asia-Pacific with various governments to promote private sector participation in the infrastructure sector with focus on energy. Previously in IFC she successfully developed and implemented PPP projects for main grid and off-grid power generation, privatization of electric distribution systems and rural electrification. In her current role, she has developed and forged strategic partnerships with the private sector, financial institutions, development partners and the government to achieve the project’s objective of assisting the GoPNG of achieving its electrification targets. Ms. Bayking earned her executive training in PPP and Project Finance in Harvard University.

Naoki Takanashi
Naoki Takanashi
Deputy Director 
Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc.
Country: Japan

Mr. Naoki Takanashi is a Deputy Director of Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc. with over 10 years of experience in project implementation in developing and emerging countries. Prior to embarking on his career, he spent two years in Papua New Guinea as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer. His expertise lies in supporting Japanese companies which aim to expand and/or accelerate their overseas operations, especially in Pacific islands/regions. He has conducted research in the energy sector in Pacific islands/regions, and currently, he supports the Delighting Everyone Project (DEP) of TOSHIBA/TOSHIBA ESS in Vanuatu, which aims to achieve the country's electrification using renewable energy.