Students in Bali simulate a tsunami by hidding under a school table

Strengthening School Preparedness for Tsunami in Asia-Pacific

Tsunami Project


Most countries in the Asia-Pacific region are prone to tsunami. Early warning systems, preparedness plans and awareness campaigns help mitigate the impact of tsunami, which though infrequent, can be potentially devastating. The UNDP-Government of Japan project Partnerships for Strengthening School Tsunami Preparedness in the Asia-Pacific Region has helped schools in 24 countries to prepare or update their tsunami or disaster preparedness plans and test them through safe evacuation drills. 

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Since 2016, the World Tsunami Awareness Day initiated by the Government of Japan is observed on 5th November. The purpose is to raise awareness of the need for tsunami preparedness. In partnership with the Government of Japan, the United Nations Development Programme Bangkok Regional Hub is helping tsunami prone schools in the region to strengthen their tsunami preparedness, based on Japan’s experience.

The project advocates with Governments to institutionalize such preparedness efforts, so that each year every student is aware and prepared on how to respond to a tsunami warning. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing school closures, the project has expanded to integrating pandemic preparedness into the school preparedness plans and beyond schools to community preparedness.



project countries in Asia and the Pacific


schools have organized tsunami initiatives


students, teachers and schools administrators trained

Highlights at the Country level

  • Cambodia: Following tsunami evacuation drills, a Training of Trainer module was developed which was adapted and scaled up by Save the Children in Cambodia.
  • Fiji: The National Disaster Management Organisation used a mobile application, the geoBing App, to coordinate and monitor the conduct of multiple drills simultaneously.
  • Indonesia: The Bali Provincial Government’s decree on Disaster Resilience Education calls for high school/universities to mainstream disaster education into intra and extra curriculum.
  • Papua New Guinea: Following tsunami evacuation drills, the Provincial Administrator in Milne Bay Province made a commitment through a circular directing the Provincial Education Office to ensure all schools in Milne Bay Province observe World Tsunami Day.




Project Countries


For further information, please contact:

Sooin Bang, Project Manager, Regional Tsunami Project (Phase 4), UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub