Silk Way Flavor Fest: Baku Edition International Chefs’ Competition is in full swing

July 18, 2024
a group of people standing on top of a cutting board with a cake

Baku, 18 July 2024 – The Silk Way Flavor Fest: Baku Edition International Chefs Competition is taking place on 17–19 July 2024 in association with “WorldSkills” Azerbaijan Association and CASA Culinary Center in the framework of the EU-funded “VET for the Future: development of VET providers excellence in Azerbaijan” project implemented jointly by UNDP and the State Agency for Vocational Education.

This Competition will become the first international event organized by the WorldSkills Azerbaijan Platform. Thus, our country will make a first sign in this area by hosting international competition participations in the framework of such Competition. It will also see the participation of youngsters from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan jointly with our national competitors.

Insofar, 3 different classification stages have taken place in chefs’ art and over 100 applications have passed the competition. Next stages will measure theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates.

The main purpose of the Competition is to boost the readiness of our national team for the 47th International WorldSkills Competition to be held on 10-15 September this year, contribute to the increase of interest to the VET in our country and become conducive to the exchange of the best international practice in this area.

Contact information:

For media inquiries, please contact Jeyhun Alakbarov, Communications Officer for UNDP in Azerbaijan at

Gulnara Bayramova, Press and Information Officer at the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan at