Students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno proposed to include a white heron in the new creative concept of the visit center of the Republican Landscape Reserve “Ozyory”.

For two days, students from different faculties united in teams, created different concepts for updating the thematic expositions of the visit center at the youth hackathon “Visit Center “Ozyory”: a new look”. The young people were asked to make the visit center not only informative, but also attractive for visitors. After all, this is where the acquaintance with the reserve begins, and where tourists get their first “portion” of environmental knowledge.

- It was important for us to collect new ideas for the thematic design of the center, as well as to give the guests of the reserve an idea of the ecotourism services of our partners, who are part of the ecotourism cluster and help to develop our territory, preserve it, study and research, - explains Dmitry Morozik, the Director of the Republican Landscape Reserve "Ozyory".

In the final round of the hackathon, each team presented their projects. The jury recognized the concept, which was built around one of the most iconic representatives of the Reserve's avifauna, the white heron, as the most striking, interesting and well-reasoned. According to the concept, the white heron accompanies visitors throughout their visit. It tells about the Reserve and is the main character of the photo zone in the courtyard of the Visitor Center.
The concept involves the creation of a thematic, interactive exposition, which familiarizes the guests of the Reserve with the local landscape diversity, fauna and flora peculiarities.
- We propose to immerse the visitors of the Visitor Center into the wild nature as soon as they cross the threshold of the building. For example, our concept includes a multimedia room that creates a feeling of total immersion. Through video, audio and aroma materials we give visitors the opportunity to plunge into the landscape diversity of the territory, to better understand the role of the wildlife preserve in nature conservation, and to see what could have happened if the wildlife preserve had not existed here, - says Valeria Zelyonko, a student of the Faculty of Biology, a member of the winning team.
Valeria's team also proposed to create a "life line" of the reserve, which would give an idea of the history of the territory where the reserve is located today.
All teams based their concepts on the idea that the Visitor Center is the starting point for visitors to get to know the Reserve. The center has no task to tell everything at once - it should intrigue visitors and inspire them to continue their acquaintance with the Reserve on ecotourist routes.
All the presented concepts are united by the idea of creating a sustainable balance between tourism development and nature conservation.

The participants of the hackathon received an unusual prize for their creativity - a trip along the "Inmost Path" route, which is probably the most interesting and informative excursion in the reserve: a small train takes tourists deep into the wilderness along a narrow-gauge railway. The winning team is also awarded with the opportunity to rest at one of the parking lots of the reserve.
The Ozyory administration is inspired by the students' work and plans to start implementing the idea in the near future, adapting the best proposals to meet the needs of the Visitor Center.
The hackathon "Ozyory Visitor Center: A New Look" is one of the new formats of interaction between the administration of the nature reserve and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. This practice allows, on the one hand, to utilize the innovative potential of young people to develop new approaches to nature conservation. And on the other hand, to bring environmental education even closer to young people.
The hackathon "Ozyory Visitor Center: a new look" was organized within the framework of the project "Development of ecotourism to promote green transition to inclusive and sustainable growth". The project is implemented by the United Nations Development Program jointly with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus with the financial support of the Russian Federation.