Call For Project Concepts GEF Small Grants Programme 7th Operational Phase in Belize

September 28, 2020

The GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Belize has commenced Operational Phase 7 (OP7) and is hereby inviting eligible civil society organizations to submit innovative project concepts.



As a corporate programme of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been active in Belize since 1993, providing over US$7.39 million and leveraged US$8.58 million for investments to more than 281 projects grounded in the communities, building capacity, addressing vulnerabilities and providing opportunities to spark and nurture innovations that are inspired by a rich mix of biodiversity, heritage and culture in Belize.

GEFSGP`s investments are aligned with those of the GEF to fund innovative, inclusive, and impactful projects that address global environmental and sustainable development issues, while addressing the GEF Focal Areas of: Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Prevention of Land Degradation, Protection of International Waters, Reduction of the Impact of Chemicals.

The GEF Small Grants Programme supports civil society organizations building their capacity, increasing their exposure to external knowledge and supporting their participation in national dialogues, ensuring their voices are heard. GEF SGP supports their growth into vibrant, effective non-governmental organizations, building long-term partnerships based on shared visions, respect, and a mutual level of understanding of the need for the sustainable management of Belize’s natural resources aligned to Horizon 2030. GEF SGP supports a knowledge platform for sharing of innovative ideas, good practices, lessons learnt and successful strategies across Belize, regionally, and around the world.  GEF SGP supports replication and scaling up of successful outcomes, strengthening the impact of local contributions to national and global sustainable development goals.

Priority Themes and Activities for funding include:

Project concepts must address one or more of the following strategic initiatives:

1.    Community-based conservation of threatened ecosystems and species

·         Improve management effectiveness of protected areas and community conserved areas governance efforts between civil society organizations and regulatory government agencies;

·         Improve community-led biodiversity friendly practices and approaches, including promoting blue economy (e.g. agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, green infrastructure, etc.);

·         Enhance community led nature-based solutions for protection of threatened species;

·         Sustainable innovative blended financing options for the terrestrial and marine protected areas system; and

·         Enhance stewardship efforts of watersheds, biological corridors and coastal landscapes.


2.    Sustainable agriculture, fisheries, and food security/sovereignty

·         Increase efficiency and effectiveness of overall local food production and value chain using innovation and technology fostering green entrepreneurship;

·         Increase sustainable income diversification and livelihood improvement for persons with diverse abilities, women, youth and men in rural and urban landscapes;

·         Expand reforestation and restoration of landscapes in rural and urban landscapes; and

·         Scaling-up agroecological family farming systems applying traditional and indigenous knowledge while enhancing biodiversity and livelihoods.

3.    Low-carbon energy access co-benefits

·         Promote renewable and energy efficient technologies providing socio-economic benefits and improving livelihoods to most rural and remote communities;

·         Promote off-grid energy service needs in rural and urban areas; and

·         Pilot emissions-free transportation in Belize.

4.    Local to global coalitions for chemicals and waste management

·         Promote plastic/solid waste management and circular economy; and

·         Reduce/remove use of chemicals in agriculture.

Which activities are eligible for funding?

Project concepts must address one or more of the following thematic areas of focus: capacity development, innovation, project sustainability, potential for replication, upscaling, mainstreaming, and gender equality and equity considerations are highly desirable and will be considered during the project concept review process.

Is your organization legally registered and in good standing (in Belize)?

a)         National or local non-governmental organization (NGO) with local Board of Directors,

b)         Community-based organization (CBO),

c)         Women`s Group or Youth Group,

d)         Recognized indigenous umbrella or grassroots organization or

e)         Local cooperative or association?


How can proponent organizations apply for a Grant?

Eligible organizations should prepare a project concept using the standard GEF SGP project concept paper format and guidelines. Proponent organizations can apply for a planning grant up to US$5,000.00 to develop their project proposals utilizing the inclusive community planning approach. Proponent organizations must ensure their proposed project ideas are inclusive, aligned to the GEF focal areas, Strategic Initiatives and OP7 Indicators as presented in the GEF SGP Operational Phase 7 Country Programme Strategy.  The project concept paper format and the OP7 Country Programme Strategy can be requested via email at For additional information please visit the GEF SGP website, is external).

Small grants, ranging from US$5,000 to US$50,000.00, will be awarded to eligible civil society organizations. A comprehensive organizational assessment will be conducted for each eligible organization.  A maximum of US$50,000.00 can be awarded to a Grantee Partner per Operational Phase of the GEF SGP.  One strategic project of US$150,000.00 may be awarded to an eligible organization that meet the eligibility criteria and high potential for replication/scaling up and with leveraged cash and in-kind co-financing at the landscape or seascape level engaging two or more CSOs.  The closing date for submission of project concepts is on 30th October 2020 at 17:00 hours. Concepts not completed in the GEF SGP format and submitted after the deadline will not be considered and will be rejected. Complete concepts papers should be submitted electronically to and addressed to:

The National Coordinator

GEF Small Grants Programme


Telephone: 822 2462 / 610-8735

Website: is external)


(This opportunity is funded by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme and the Oak Foundation)