GEF-Small Grants Programme 2021: A year in review

GEF-Small Grants Programme 2021: A year in review

April 4, 2022

This maiden Annual Report 2021 of the GEF-Small Grants Programme, UNDP Bhutan, shines a spotlight on the results and impact of both completed and on-going projects implemented in the communities.

2021 marked the second year of the SGP’s Country Programme Strategy period (2020-2023). Thirty projects were implemented in 2021 of which seven projects were completed in partnership with the Royal Government of Bhutan. The projects are in the areas of biodiversity conservation (12), climate change (6), land degradation (8) water (3) and national policy dialogue (1). Spread across the country, the projects were implemented by 19 Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and eight Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).