Eight local self-government units awarded with 666,600 KM for development management

August 6, 2020

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A seed fund in the amount of more than 660,000 KM has been provided for the eight local self-government units (LGUs) included in the Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP), which showed the best results in development planning and management in 2019.

With the financial support of the Government of Switzerland, which together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) supports the ILDP project, the awarded LGUs, Bosanski Petrovac, Han Pijesak, Jablanica, Rogatica, Rudo, Višegrad, Vlasenica and Zvornik, will use approved funds for the implementation of public projects that have been identified as a priority in their local development strategies. The selection of project ideas by the awarded LGUs was done by the Selection Committee established by the Mayor. In addition, the awarded LGUs will co-finance priority projects in an amount equal to or greater than that allocated to them by ILDP.

“Since 2008, Switzerland has been supporting the establishment of functional strategic planning and development management systems at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina with over 26 million BAM. More than 50 local governments and their citizens have benefited directly from this support. Today the award goes to partner local governments that are most successful in introducing a systemic approach to development management. I am very pleased to see that among the 8 awarded municipalities, 6 belong to the category of underdeveloped. As the ILDP will end up next year, a priority is the consolidation of the planning system in both entities and in all municipalities, as well as its link with the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, in order to improve the quality of life for all people in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, said Dimka Stantchev Skeie, Head of Governance Domain and Regional Policy Adviser for Social inclusion at the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The first prize for the best development management system was awarded to Vlasenica (with a fund worth 120,330 KM), the second prize for the highest growth was awarded to Bosanski Petrovac (73,484 KM), while Jablanica was awarded for the most active Municipal Council (68,780 KM).

The best development management system means that the local self-government has jobs and / or a special organizational unit that deals with development planning and development management on a daily basis with the involvement of all citizens, especially socially vulnerable categories. Activities are carried out in accordance with the established time frame and standards, with regular monitoring and reporting by local governments. In addition to all this, continuous and close cooperation with the representatives of the municipal council, i.e. the municipal assembly, is also important.

For the Municipality of Vlasenica and its citizens, as well as for the employees in the municipal administration, this award is of exceptional importance. It is a joint result of the Municipality of Vlasenica and ILDP, and we are convinced that it will have a stimulating effect on future successes”, stated Ljiljana Savinović from the Municipality of Vlasenica.

The Municipality of Jablanica says that the award for them is a confirmation of successful work in development management, and a confirmation that the development of Jablanica is led in the right direction.

ILDP staff has made an immeasurable contribution in encouraging the Municipality of Jablanica to successfully deal with and manage the development of its local community", said Dženan Mulahasanović from the Municipality of Jablanica.

The City of Zvornik received the first prize for the best development management system, with seed fund worth 128,925 KM.

"The award for the best development planning and management system is very important for the City of Zvornik. In addition to being a recognition for the work on establishing and efficient functioning of the system for planning and managing development, this award will enable the realization of one of the projects that we identified as a priority for integrated city development”, said Biljana Milić from Zvornik.

The municipalities of Han Pijesak and Rogatica share the first place for the award for the highest growth, and both municipalities will be awarded 85,950 KM each.

"As a small, rural municipality, we are faced with numerous economic and social problems on the one hand, and the desire to change the situation in all segments for the better on the other hand. This presents a challenge in terms of defining and selecting priorities and the constant dilemma of whether we are doing the right things in the right way. The award is partly a confirmation that we are on the right track, but it also motivates us to continue improving capacities, and thus processes that should ultimately contribute to the overall well-being of this local community and its citizens”, explained Slavica Ašonja from Han Pijesak Municipality.

Snežana Kanostrevac-Svijetić from the Municipality of Rogatica emphasized: "The biggest challenges in planning and managing local development for the Municipality of Rogatica are the selection of priority projects and their harmonization with funding opportunities as well as finding external sources of funding."

The award for the most inclusive development management processes is given to local self-governments that have included as many people from socially excluded and vulnerable categories of the population as possible in the planning and management processes and who have implemented as many projects as possible that directly benefit the mentioned categories of citizens. In this category, the municipalities of Rudo and Višegrad share the first place, and each of these municipalities will receive 51,570 KM as a reward.

The awarded LGUs will implement the following projects:

  • Bosanski Petrovac: Reconstruction and arrangement of streets in the city settlement of the municipality
  • Han Pijesak: Reconstruction of part of the wastewater sewerage in the town of Han-Pijesak - phase 1
  • Jablanica: Strengthening the capacity for protection and rescue of the population and improving health care in the Health Center Jablanica
  • Rogatica: Improving energy efficiency in the Elementary School Rogatica
  • Rudo: Reconstruction of the building of the House of Culture
  • Višegrad: Reconstruction of the central heating system in the inner-city zone (phase II)
  • Vlasenica: Improving the economy and efficiency of municipal administration through the establishment of modern working methods and the application of energy efficiency measures
  • Zvornik: Providing conditions for the provision of new primary health care services in the outpatient clinic in Branjevo

The Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) is a joint project of the Government of Switzerland and UNDP in BiH that affirms a functional development planning and management sub-national system, reinforces effective delivery of public policies and thus contributes to better development results in BiH.