European Union EU4AGRI project's public call launched: BAM 2.55 MILION FOR SUPPORT TO INVESTMENTS IN RURAL TOURISM IN BIH

October 26, 2020

European Union project EU4AGRI launched today public call worth BAM 2.55 million for support to investments in rural tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina with an aim of developing economic activities in rural areas, opening new and retaining existing jobs, as well as preserving natural and cultural heritage, responding, at the same time, to the recovery needs caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Public call is open solely to partnerships consisting of applicant and minimum three partners. The applicants can be local governments, companies or entrepreneurs that provide services/products in tourism sector.

Each applicant can submit application for funds in the amount from BAM 20.000 to BAM 200.000 (VAT not included) depending on the number of the partners. For every investment, applicant and partners must secure co-financing in the amount of minimum 15% of the total value of the proposed investment.

This is the first of series of public calls for support within the EU4Agri project. The preliminary list of all public calls under the EU4Agri project can be found here.

Deadline for submission of applications is 21 December 2020. until 15.00.

How to apply?

Information on how to apply can be found in document Smjernice za podnosioce prijava(link is external) (in BHS languages). 

Documentation relevant to the public call (in BHS languages):

Prilog 1: Prijavni obrazac

Prilog 2: Budžet projekta

Prilog 3: Logički okvir

Prilog 4: Plan aktivnosti

Prilog 5: Prihodi i rashodi partnerstva

Prilog 6: Pismo namjere za sufinansiranje projekta (primjer)

Prilog 7: Izjava o partnerstvu

Prilog 8: Lista za provjeru dostavljene dokumentacije

Recordings of online info sessions related to this public call can be found on EU4AGRI Facebook page(link is external).

Answers to questions received via email can be found here(link is external).

In case of difficulties with downloading or opening these documents, as well as for questions related to the public call, please contact us via email: with name of the public call clearly stated in the subject of the message.

EU4AGRI is a European Union 4-year project (2020-2024) valued at 20.25 million EUR that aims to modernize agri-food sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project is jointly implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in BiH and Czech Development Agency (CzDA).