Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Phase II of the MEG project. The total financial participation of Sweden in the MEG II Project will amount to 10 million SEK (1,900,000 BAM). The overall value of the MEG II Project is 23 million BAM and in largest part includes contributions from the Government of Switzerland with anticipated funding from the European Union through IPA II funds. The Project will be implemented by UNDP over the next four years, across approximately 30 local governments, which will be selected through the public call for all local governments in the country.
The Project overall goal is to contribute to the democratization of local governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more equitable, effective, and efficient public services for the citizens, particularly water supply and wastewater management services. Policy dialogue and policy changes, together with regulatory improvements in the area of water supply and wastewater management services, will provide for more effective, fair, and sustainable delivery of essential local services.
Sweden will support the Project’s efforts in working with state, entity, and cantonal government on setting in place a more conducive policy and regulatory environment that affirms result-oriented local governance and improved water supply and wastewater management services.
In the end, the citizens, including the most vulnerable, will benefit from improved water supply and wastewater management services that will be delivered in a more efficient, accountable, and sustainable manner.