CBIT project

The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Steliana Nedera, and the Director of the Fund for Environmental Protection of the Federation of BiH, Esad Humo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides a framework for stronger future cooperation between UNDP and the Fund in the area of environmental protection, sustainable waste management, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
This was organized within the project "Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency" (CBIT), financed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).
In the last four years, through various projects, UNDP has managed more than 60 million USD of funds in the Federation of BiH, out of which about 20 million USD of combined funds are directed to energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources. Our future cooperation with the Environmental Protection Funds in BiH is very important, to be able to scale-up the measures and mechanisms for introducing positive changes for more households and individuals and in more local communities. Therefore, I am very pleased that we signed this MoU, which confirms our long-standing partnership and readiness to continue working together.Steliana Nedera, UNDP’s Resident Representative in BiH

It is my honor and pleasure that we signed this MoU, which confirms our long-standing cooperation and committing us to work together in the future. There are a number of projects on which we worked together, to mention few, URBANLED, NAP, CBIT and GED. Most of them are related to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, which is the biggest challenge of our time. Bearing in mind the visibly deteriorated quality of the environment, and the fact that climate change is very much felt, even in small areas like ours, we will certainly have to do more and act differently in the time ahead. The cooperation of domestic and international institutions is very important in this action. Since the beginning of its operational work, the Fund has positioned itself not only as a financial institution, but also as an expert institution of the FBiH Government, in all areas of environmental protection and energy efficiency. UNDP's significant support in this process has made it possible to both establish and improve the legislative framework and ensure the involvement of all important participants in quality projects. I thank UNDP, which through a series of projects recognized the institutional role and capacities of the Fund, both in financing and implementing projects, as well as in the new agency’s role of collecting and processing data on the environment and energy efficiency.Esad Humo, Director of the FBiH Fund of Environmental Protection
UNDP is providing significant support to the authorities in BiH to fulfill their climate pledge given in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), which is at the heart of the Paris Agreement and represents the promise of countries to reduce their national emissions and adapt to the negative impacts of climate change.