Scaling up climate resilient flood risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Objective of the Flood risk management - FRM GCF(link is external) project is to address increasing vulnerability of B&H communities and livelihoods to intensified climate-induced flood-related disasters. The project will establish an integrated and innovative gender-responsive climate-resilient flood risk management (FRM) approach, strengthen institutional, technical and financial capacity to implement long-term FRM strategies, including a combination of structural and non-structural measures and ecosystem-based approaches. 

The project will strengthen the use of climate information, flood forecasting, early warning, and emergency response systems to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience of at-risk communities. The project is aligned with the new UN multi-partner initiative “Early Warnings for All (EW4All)”(link is external) announced by the UN Secretary-General in March 2022 with the aim to promote universal coverage of the early warning and will contribute to the implementation of EWS4All Executive Action Plan(link is external) developed in March 2023.

Project Objective

Establish an integrated and innovative gender-responsive climate-resilient flood risk management (FRM) approach, strengthen institutional, technical and financial capacity to implement long-term FRM strategies.


Output 1: Fully integrated impact-based Flood Forecasting and EWS facilitates timely preparation and response;

Output 2: Non-structural flood risk reduction measures and nature-based solutions mainstreamed in sectoral policies and plans and effectively contribute to protection of people and livelihoods from climate-induced flood risk;

Output 3: Climate-proof flood protection measures scaled-up through new and improved national and local investment frameworks increasing resilience of the most vulnerable groups to climate induced flooding.

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2024 - 2030


Green Climate Fund(link is external)


14,400,000 USD


Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MOFTER, GCF Focal Point), The Ministry for Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology (MSPCEE, UNFCCC focal point), Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management, and Forestry of FB&H, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water management of Republika Srpska, Entity Water agencies, Entity Hydrometeorological institutes, Entity Civil Protection Services.

The UNDP project Scaling up climate resilient flood risk management in BiH has established its own transparent and accessible Grievance Redress Mechanism to allow individuals and communities to voice any concerns about the project’s impacts or potential non-compliance with UNDP Social and Environmental Standards. You can submit such a complaint using any of the following means: Regular Mail Address: Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo and/or Email: All complaints will be acknowledged and investigated, and the complainant will be informed about the findings and any actions taken to address any legitimate concerns raised. To facilitate the review process, please provide as much detail as possible, including supporting evidence.
If you would be dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been addressed you can also escalate your concern to the UNDP’s corporate Stakeholder Response Mechanism or Social and Environmental Compliance Unit that are accessible through: Email: and (in any language); Phone: you can call +1(917)2074285 (costs are incurred by the caller); Messaging app: you can message the same number +1(917)2074285 using WhatsApp, Viber, or Signal; Regular post: you can write to SECU/SRM, United Nations Development Programme, One UN Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, NY USA 10017
While there are no strict format or language requirements when using these corporate systems, it is helpful if the complaint includes the following information: Name, address, telephone number, and other contact information; Whether the Complainant(s) wish to keep their identity confidential, and if so, why; Name, location, and nature of the UNDP project or programme (if known); How the Complainants believe they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by the UNDP-supported project or programme; If a third party, such as a civil society organization, is filing a complaint on behalf of an affected individual or community, the complaint should include evidence the third party is working on behalf of the individual or community; Although helpful, it is not necessary to cite specific UNDP standards or policies (such as the UNDP's Social and Environmental Standards) that appear violated.

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October 2024


October 2030




Bosnia and Herzegovina










Full Project information(link is external)