Via Dinarica: A Journey of Love, Adventure, and Connection

This story follows a couple, Monika and Jakub from Poland, who fell in love with the beauty of the Balkans, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina, through their shared adventures on the Via Dinarica trail. Their love for nature, culture, and the hospitality of the local people led them to a deep connection with the natural wonders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

September 27, 2024
Grupa ljudi koji sjede u travi


"In 2008, I found myself on a beach in Bar, Montenegro, mesmerized by the beauty of the Balkans. Five years later, I returned as a volunteer through the European Voluntary Service program to the very town I had once admired. Though I traveled to different parts of the world afterward, the Balkans always held a special place in my heart, and I found myself returning whenever I could.

After I met Jakub, my stories about the Balkans sparked his curiosity, and he was eager to experience its beauty firsthand. Our first journey together took us to the Prokletije mountains, where we discovered the Via Dinarica trail. On those rugged slopes, Jakub proposed, and from that moment, it became our story.

Čovjek stoji ispred planine


The Via Dinarica embodies everything we love – challenging peaks, stunning meadows, rich history, culture, and the warm hospitality of the locals. One of our fondest memories is a story from our friend Jasmin about a fountain in Sarajevo – legend has it that anyone who drinks from it will always return. This beautifully reflects the essence of the Balkans – a place where history, nature, and culture are deeply intertwined.

In September 2023, we set off on our Via Dinarica adventure, beginning in Valbona, Albania, and reaching the majestic Maglić in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia particularly captivated us, revealing its extraordinary beauty. In June 2024, we continued from Sutjeska in Bosnia to Dinara in Croatia, experiencing the generosity and warmth of the local people. One unforgettable moment was meeting Zoran, a local who gave us a ride, treated us to lunch, and shared stories about the region.

Osoba u šatoru


We had planned to camp by Lake Donje Bare, but first, we visited the Valley of Heroes, dedicated to the Battle of Sutjeska. The museum left a lasting impression, and a local guide gave us an unforgettable tour. The next day, we encountered an overgrown trail and came face-to-face with a venomous snake, reminding us to tread carefully.

What truly amazed us was the incredible hospitality of the people we met throughout our journey. From the fishermen at Donje Bare, who pointed us to the "Vidikovac Borić" viewpoint, to the hosts at the mountain shelters, where we gathered around the fire, listening to stories and learning to brew "real Bosnian coffee," these moments have stayed vividly in our memories.

Osoba koja leti kroz zrak na vrhu planine


One of the most challenging parts of our journey was the trail to Orlovačko Lake. Thick fog and strong winds made the hike difficult, but arriving at the "Safe House" shelter gave us the warmth and rest we desperately needed. In Kalinovik and Ljuta, we met a new group of locals who led us to the "Via Dinarica Center," where Marta, Jadranka, and Amar provided invaluable advice for the rest of our hike.

A particularly memorable moment was our stay at the Zoran Šimić bivouac. We were treated to stunning sunsets and sunrises, and in the morning, we were awakened by a flock of sheep—a sight we’ll never forget. The vast wilderness along the Visočica ridge left us in awe, and the Rakitnica Canyon took our breath away.

krdo ovaca koje stoje na vrhu stijene


After leaving Visočica and Prenj, we reached the Žlijeb shelter on Čvrsnica, racing against an approaching storm but arriving at Blidinje Nature Park just in time. The mountains of Bosnia provided us with incredible experiences, with each new stage of the Via Dinarica unveiling hidden beauty.

When it comes to the trail itself, we recommend thorough preparation, as the Via Dinarica can be quite challenging. For example, helmets are required for Maja Jezerce, and while most sections of the trail have marked water sources, it's advisable to carry a water filter on Sinjajevina. The trails are equipped with shelters, but it's wise to check their availability in advance. Additionally, be mindful of snakes and shepherd dogs, stick to the marked paths, and having the local currency (KM in BiH) is always beneficial.

Čovjek stoji ispred planine
Ultimately, our philosophy of "embracing" the local culture enriched our journey. Rather than hurrying, we savored each moment, connected with new people, and learned from their stories. The Via Dinarica is more than just a trail; it’s a narrative of love, adventure, and a deep connection to the Balkans."

About the Via Dinarica Initiative: The Via Dinarica is a long-distance hiking trail that connects the western Balkans, fostering sustainable tourism and supporting local communities. Since 2014, with the backing of UNDP, Bosnia and Herzegovina has emerged as the heart of this trail. The project has significantly enhanced tourism by marking over 1,000 kilometers of trails and providing support to local communities. Currently in its third phase, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the initiative emphasizes sustainable development and cross-border cooperation, with the goal of strengthening the tourism sector and preserving the natural heritage of the Balkans.

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