Gender Equality
The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a certification programme that provides incentives for our offices in the field to integrate gender equality into all aspects of their work. By completing a range of specific goals and meeting standards, teams work across the world to achieve either a Bronze, Silver or Gold level certification.
The idea of the Gender Equality Seal shows how building positive synergies between different domains of gender mainstreaming catalyze both organizational transformation and development results.
By engaging in the Seal programme, our UNDP offices are better positioned to support governments in accelerating progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate standard for gender equality that organizations can qualify for and be benchmarked against to receive certification in accordance with best practices on gender equality inside an organization.
UNDP’s Strategic Plan (2022-2026) prioritizes action through six signature solutions, in the areas of poverty and inequality, governance, resilience, environment, energy, and gender equality. Underpinning these focus areas are the enablers of strategic innovation, digitalization, and development financing; while being guided by three directions of change: structural transformation, leaving no-one behind and resilience. It provides a comprehensive framework to support countries on their path towards achieving the SDGs through country programs driven by national development priorities.
Since 2011, the Gender Equality Seal has worked with 57 UNDP Country Offices across all regions. To receive a Gender Equality Seal, standards must be met in seven working areas that include management systems, in-house capacities, enabling environment, communications and knowledge management, programs, partnerships, and gender impact/results.