Support to Economic Diversification and Inclusive Growth in Botswana

Guided by the UNDP strategy on inclusive and sustainable growth, this project will support Botswana in its efforts to address the challenges of diversifying the sources of economic growth, eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities and exclusion. These challenges are complex and will require greater collaboration across sectors and partners to deliver impacts at scale and to utilize limited resources efficiently. Addressing these fundamental development challenges require multi-sector, integrated solutions for the provision of adequate employment and incomes for men and women, providing basic social protection and effective services and infrastructure.

The project will contribute to UNDP's role of supporting Botswana to achieve the 2030 Agenda, focusing on poverty eradication and reduction of inequality and exclusion as the highest priorities. The project is aligned with the SDGs that focus on poverty eradication, reduction of inequality, and more inclusive and sustainable growth pathways so that economic growth does not take place at the expense of the poor and vulnerable groups. The project contributes directly to the implementation of Goals 1, 8 and 10 of the SDGs: poverty eradication, sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all; reduced inequalities.