Mr. Alain Noudehou, Resident Coordinator of United Nations (UN) in China met with Mr. Chen Lei, Minister of MWR (Photo: Ministry of Water Resource)
(Originally published on 11/14/2014)
To strengthen the cooperation between UNDP China and Ministry of Water Resource (MWR) and exchange ideas on ongoing water projects, Mr. Alain Noudehou, Resident Coordinator of United Nations (UN) in China met with Mr. Chen Lei, Minister of MWR on November 14th.
With China’s rapid development, water shortage and pollution has become a serious problem. More than 30 million people in rural areas do not have access to drinking water and more than 400 cities are facing water supply shortages. What’s worse, the pollutants from the industrial and agriculture sectors have contaminated water resources.
The Chinese government has made great efforts in addressing water resource management issues. Mr. Chen said currently the government is focusing on expediting the implementation of drinking water safety and water-efficiency projects, and reinforcing the flood prevention and management systems. He mentioned that part of the 13th Five Year Plan focuses on water resource management, including management of small and medium-sized river system, water right trading and water price reform.
UNDP and MWR have been in a partnership since 2007. Mr. Noudehou said that UNDP’s water programs are closely related to China’s national priorities on flood control security, food security, water supply security and ecological security. Programs have been carried out at national, provincial and county levels.
The cooperation between UNDP and MWR in the Water Governance Project has benefited nearly 300,000 people and replenished 30 million litres of water during 2007-2014. The Public-Private Partnership based project, which was fully supported by MWR, has helped expand and diversify the areas of cooperation.
Future cooperation between UNDP and MWR will also focus on the post-2015 development agenda, particularly developing specific water-related Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, UNDP will collaborate with MWR on water policy and management research projects.
Under UNDP’s South-South Cooperation network, Mr. Noudehou suggested that UNDP can help share China’s best practices and expertise in water resources management with other developing countries.