Online Volunteers
Online Volunteers

“Being able to make use of the talents of UNV on-line proofreaders has been crucial in ensuring that our team is able to deliver high-quality policy reports in a timely way. We really appreciate the support!” —Ms. Samantha Anderson, UNDP Senior Adviser (UNV China, 2016)
UNV’s Online Volunteering service connects development organizations and volunteers over the Internet and supports their effective online collaboration. It gives development organizations access to a broader pool of knowledge and resources to enhance their capacities, while it offers individuals worldwide additional opportunities to volunteer for development and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
The Online Volunteering service has enabled more than 1,000 non-profit development organisations (including CSOs, government institutions, academic institutions and United Nations agencies) to benefit from the support of more than 12,000 individuals from 182 countries (60% women, 40% from developing countries in 2007) who:
- Provide technical expertise (e.g. advice on waste disposal, contract drafting)
- Support project and resources management (e.g. project planning, volunteer management)
- Contribute to knowledge management (e.g. data collection, database development)
- Facilitate communication and networking (e.g. newsletters production and translation, moderation of online discussion groups)
For more information please visit links below: