Opening Remarks by Mr James George at the China - UN Procurement Conference, Ningbo

September 7, 2023

UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in China, James George, delivers opening remarks at the China - UN Procurement Conference in Ningbo, China.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning!
It is my utmost pleasure to be here in Ningbo, a vibrant city renowned for its thriving economy. 
With just seven years left to realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – our global blueprint to safeguard the future of people and planet – time is running out. 
In global efforts to urgently advance sustainable development around the world, procurement plays, and will continue to play, a critical catalytic role. 
In 2022, the UN‘s annual procurement volume reached nearly 30 billion US dollars, offering immense opportunities for businesses and organizations worldwide to contribute to sustainable economic growth. 
As the largest development agency in the UN system, UNDP procures an average of 3 billion dollars’ worth of goods and services each year. 
These ensure that developing countries have access to life-saving medicines, emergency relief supplies, and other critical necessities. 
Embedding sustainability into our procurement practices is a vital aspect of our commitment to supporting sustainable development. 
We hope to share these global perspectives, insights, trends and best practices with you this week. 
It is imperative that we enhance the social and environmental credentials of our suppliers. 
In a globally interconnected global economy, international norms, standards and best practices are increasingly critical for engagement into the global supply chain. 
As such, through various initiatives and partnerships, UNDP alongside our sister UN agencies seek to empower businesses, especially SMEs and women-owned businesses, to embrace sustainable practices, enhance their capacities, and engage in the global market successfully. 
One such initiative is our Sustainable Procurement Project launched together with partners in 2021, which aims to equip the private sector with the necessary information, practical support, and tools to align their operations with sustainable standards and best practices and to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in China and globally.

"As the largest development agency in the UN system, UNDP procures an average of 3 billion dollars’ worth of goods and services each year ... Embedding sustainability into our procurement practices is a vital aspect of our commitment to supporting sustainable development."

As part of this project, we provide comprehensive insights into the UN procurement market, and sustainable procurement approaches, as well as emerging market trends, thereby enabling businesses to make informed decisions and embark on a sustainable path. 
Moving forward, UNDP recognizes the important role played by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in bridging between Chinese enterprises and international markets. 
Working together with CCPIT, we hope to leverage the strengths of both organizations to maximize the impact of sustainable procurement efforts, and empower businesses to drive positive change, ensuring that economic progress is intertwined with social and environmental responsibility.   
I also want to acknowledge the city of Ningbo, which has firmly established itself as a dynamic hub for international trade. 
With its strong infrastructure, strategic location, and business ecosystem, it is an important center for innovation and entrepreneurship that can help advance sustainable development. 
Hosting today’s conference here reinforces its position as a gateway for small and medium-sized Chinese enterprises to engage with the international community and tap into the UN procurement market.
In closing, let me express my sincere gratitude to the organizers, participants, and partners of this conference. 
Your presence here today demonstrates your dedication to sustainable development and your commitment to exploring new pathways within the UN procurement market. 
I encourage all of you to actively engage in discussions, foster meaningful connections, and seize on opportunities that arise from this conference.
Let us work together to create a more prosperous and sustainable future. 
Leveraging the potential of sustainable procurement, we can turn challenges into opportunities and transform our shared vision for a better world into a reality. 
Thank you.