Ms. Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative of UNDP China gave opening remarks at the plaque unveiling ceremony
尊敬的张翼 副主任,(Zhang Yi, Vice Director)
尊敬的吴涛 部长,(Wu Tao, Minister)
尊敬的阿明仙 主席,(A Mingxian, Chairman)
尊敬的蒋先常 副书记,(Jiang Xianchang, Vice Secretary)
尊敬的张晶 副总裁,(Zhang Jing, Vice President)
今天, 很荣幸终于来到了美丽的外普拉村. 我想要去听、去看、去感受外普拉女性为改变自己、改变家乡而迸发出的能量!
In collaboration with CICETE, China Women’s Development Foundation, Mary Kay, the Women’s Federation of Yunnan Province and Yongren County People’s Government – this project has had an incredible five-year journey.
By creating opportunities for sustainable entrepreneurship through ecotourism, coupled with efforts to enhance women’s leadership in community decision-making forums, the lives of women in Waipula have been improved in many critical ways.
3 out of 7 positions on the village’s administrative committee are now held by women, whereas previously, there were no female representatives. Additionally, in the ecotourism cooperative established under the project in 2019, women hold 7 out of the 11 leadership seats. Employment opportunities and incomes for women have also increased markedly. Many female migrant workers have seized the opportunity to return to Waipula to find jobs or start businesses and overall per capita income in the village grew to 16,221 RMB in 2022.
The self-initiated art troupe – Huobonuoma or Daughters of the Moon, is an inspiring example that demonstrates how women who are empowered both economically and within their community, can make significant contributions to all aspects of society and community life.
Your joint effort in Waipula stand out as a shining example of what can be accomplished through collaborative efforts and how we can make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative, UNDP China
This project has also highlighted the critical importance of working closely and collaborating with our partners, without whom none of this would be possible.
Last year, financial and policy support from the local government, in combination with technical expertise mobilized via the project, enabled the construction of a village-wide sustainable sewage treatment system based on nature-based solutions. This not only significantly improves the village’s infrastructure, but also helps to provide a clean environment that can attract more tourists to visit and enjoy the beauty of Waipula.
In addition, the funding generously provided by Mary Kay has played a critical role in opening doors to attract funds from a variety of different sources, making vital contributions to the village’s transformation over the last five years.
And so, the unveiling of the plaque today is truly a testimony to the hard work and dedication of all the stakeholders involved – all of you.
Your joint effort in Waipula stand out as a shining example of what can be accomplished through collaborative efforts and how we can make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.
As we look ahead to the second phase of this initiative, we remain focused on advancing Waipula’s green and sustainable development, safeguarding the local Yi culture and empowering women through skills-training and entrepreneurship to continue to boost their incomes.
Let me close by once again expressing my gratitude to our partners, the local government, and the villagers for their unwavering support over the last five years.
We at UNDP are incredibly proud to be part of your efforts and are committed as ever to supporting women in harnessing their potential as leaders and removing structural barriers to gender inequality.
让我们共同努力,确保女性在可持续发展和建设一个更美好、更绿色、更包容的未来中发挥重要的作用。 谢谢!
(Let’s continue to work together to ensure women play a critical role in sustainable development, building a better, greener, and more inclusive future for people and planet. Thank you!)