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Development Futures Series

Published research and insights on the future of sustainable development


What do the futures of sustainable, green, fair and peaceful societies look like and what policies and actions can get us there? In the Development Futures Series (DFS), UNDP’s publications series on the future of development, you will find new research, analysis, and policy recommendations on the top development issues of today—and tomorrow.  

To date, the series has featured over 85 policy briefs and working papers written by UNDP personnel and other experts from around the world. Each publication makes an original contribution to global policy debates by sharing evidence and insights based on data and field practice. Research proposals are vetted by the editorial team managed by UNDP's Crisis Bureau and Bureau for Policy and Programme Support. Before publication, all papers undergo a thorough peer-review process to ensure quality and relevance. 

The target audience of the DFS papers are policymakers, development practitioners, and specialized journalists. At the same time, the DFS presents a unique opportunity for UNDP personnel to become authors, bring attention to their work and elevate the thought leadership of the organization. 

There are two main publication formats: the DFS Policy Briefs (short pieces linking emerging evidence to development practice and policy debates), and the DFS Working Papers (detailed technical papers presenting data and in-depth research). 

Scroll down to browse our library and read the latest DFS policy briefs, working papers and blogs! 

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If you are interested in publishing your work check out this quick overview of the DFS(link is external) and visit the DFS on SparkBlue(link is external) where you will find latest news, information on upcoming calls for papers and online events. 

If you have questions on the UNDP's Development Futures Series, please contact the DFS editorial team at development.futures@undp.org

UNDP's Development Futures Series briefs and working papers

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