MDG Needs Assessment Tools
MDG Needs Assessment Tools
November 1, 2015
MDG needs assessments map out the scale of practical interventions required to meet the MDGs in a country, with special focus on infrastructure, human resources and financial requirements. The results of such assessments can form the basis for developing country-specific strategies to meet the MDGs by 2015. Moreover, they provide a framework for the transparent budgeting of public expenditures to meet the MDGs.
MDG Needs Assessments aim to flip the question:
From: How close can we get to the MDGs under the current constraints?
To: What will it take to achieve the MDGs?
By working your way backwards from the status you know, namely the MDG target, you can identify exactly what is needed to achieve that, and appropriately identify necessary interventions, priorities and bottlenecks for the achievement of the target.
Principles of Development Strategies that are MDG-based