a group of palm trees on a sunny day

Phase 8

Support to Monuments of Great Importance for the Communities of Cyprus

Duration:2022 - 2025
Donors:European Commission
Beneficiaries:Turkish Cypriot Community and Greek Cypriot Community
Focus Area:Governance and Peacebuilding
Partners:Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.


Project Summary:

The cultural heritage of Cyprus emanates from diverse and rich cultures and civilizations which have populated the island throughout history. It constitutes the common heritage of all Cypriots and of humanity regardless of its origin. Since 2010 the United Nations Development Programme and the European Commission have been assisting the bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH) to preserve the island’s cultural heritage.

This is the eight phase of the “Support to cultural heritage monuments of great importance for Cyprus” programme, which aims to extend the support to the efforts of the TCCH thus contribute to the ongoing peace and confidence building process by bringing communities closer to their shared heritage through conservation and emergency safeguarding projects.

“The Cultural Heritage Technical Committee believes that it is the primary responsibility of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to protect the endangered cultural heritage of the island, and that it is important for these monuments to be preserved, not only because they are important symbols for both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, as well as for humanity, but also because they have an intrinsic value of their own.” (Press statement of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage, 06 May 2009).

The Agreement of 21 March 2008 reached between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots under the auspices of the United Nations (UN), paved the way for the establishment of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage, dedicated to the recognition, promotion and protection of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Cyprus. The Committee is supported in its work by an Advisory Board composed of archaeologists, architects, art historians and town planners from both communities. All its programmatic decisions are taken in line with the agreed principles and the task attributed to them by the two Leaders.

The Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage works to provide a mutually acceptable mechanism for the implementation of practical measures for the proper preservation, physical protection and restoration (including research, study and survey) of the cultural heritage of Cyprus. The Committee believes that the protection of cultural heritage is an integral part of the ongoing process of broadening areas of cooperation between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, which can most effectively be achieved through joint efforts. The protection of cultural heritage also stimulates sustainable development and mutual understanding.

An initial list of 40 sites in need of emergency care and conservation was approved by the Leaders. Additional monuments of great historical value or notable size have been added to this list. Particular attention was given to the archaeological importance of the monuments, reflecting their uniqueness, historical significance and role in society as well as their future educational role.


  • To support the reconciliation process and to increase the trust between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities through the implementation of confidence building measures agreed by the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH). 

  • Preservation of Cypriot cultural heritage by supporting conservation and emergency measures for high importance monuments agreed by the Technical Committee on Culture in Cyprus. 

  • Increase the online accessibility and digital preservation of completed TCCH projects enabled through Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

Implementing Partners:

Since 2010 the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has assisted the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage to preserve the cultural heritage of Cyprus.

UNDP directly implements and administers the Committee's conservation works and visibility efforts, hence creating a favourable environment for the non-political consideration of cultural heritage on both sides of the island.

Joint monitoring visits and regular meetings with the Advisory Board of the Technical Committee are facilitated by UNDP to encourage and ensure the direct involvement in each stage of the project cycle. The direct involvement of technical teams from both communities (architects, archaeologists, engineers etc.) act, in time, as team- and confidence-building measures, allowing for increased exchange of experiences and the setting of a positive example of successful collaboration between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Moreover, UNDP provides logistical and strategic support to the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage in its efforts to re-establish community links between villages and their former residents and encourage cross-community exchanges.


Within Phase 8 of the project, the following cultural heritage sites located island-wide benefited from emergency measures and/or conservation projects and designs:

Conservation works for selected cultural heritage sites

Agios Sergios church in Neta/ Taşlıca

Aqueduct in Lefke/ Lefka

Aqueduct of Arif Bey in Mesaoria/ Mesarya

Agia Paraskevi church in Famagusta

Agios Ioannis Prodromos church in Argaki/ Akcay

Agios Georgios church in Limnia/ Mormenekşe

Agios Georgios church in Flamoudi/ Mersinlik (bell tower)

Agios Elias church in Agios Elias/ Yarkoy

Canbulat Bastion in Famagusta

The mosque in Terra/ Tera

Emergency works for selected cultural heritage sites

Agios Photios tis Selinias church in Agia Triada/ Sipahi

Panagia Eleousa Monastery in Rizokarpaso/ Dipkarpaz

Agios Ioannis Prodromos church in Kalecik/ Gastria

Agios Georgios church in Vokolida/ Bafra

Agia Paraskevi church in Agios Theodoros/ Çayırova

Agia Marina church in Diorios/ Tepebasi

Agios Synesis church in Lysi/ Akdogan

Agios Loukas church in Spathariko/ Ötüken

Designs for conservation works of selected cultural heritage sites

Panagia Katokopia in Zümrütkoy/ Katokopia

Ayios Prokopios, Sygkrasis/ Sinirustu

Agia Fotou, Agios Andronikos/ Yesilkoy

The Mosque in Gilani

The Mosque in Aytuma

Panagia Akentou at Lefke/ Lefka

Panagia Church, Gastria

Panagia tou Mnasi, Morphou

Community engagement events targeting women from both communities

As part of its continuous efforts for community engagement, a series of community engagement activities organised at the local level with relevant stakeholders and key partners, including former and current residents, local communities and civil society in order to exchange lessons learnt, experiences and share best practices in the protection, promotion and maintenance of cultural heritage.  

The series of community involvement visits were organised at the ongoing and completed project which aiming to promote a culture of ownership for our shared heritage, and to engage more people in the efforts for maintenance of the completed projects. 

Educational events

Two educational events were organised with participation of approximately 200 students, researchers and educators from both communities. The events took place on 18 and 28 April 2022. These events were organized as part of the International Day of Monuments and Sites. Students, researchers and educators learnt about the work of the TCCH through a presentation and also learnt about the restoration and conservation projects through guided project site visits to Othello Tower/Citadel, Martinengo, St Mary of the Armenians, St Mary of Carmel, St Anne church and Tanners' mosque. The participants also had the chance to learn about the TCCH digital heritage project for the Othello Tower.

Heritage Youth Ambassadors initiative

The project’s contribution to the higher-level outcome will be further supported by the continuation and scaling up of the efforts for youth involvement in the work of the TCCH. Within this framework the successful initiative of the TCCH “Heritage Youth Ambassadors” (HYA), initiated during the Phase 6 of this programme as first call, will be continued and enhanced under this phase with a new call of interest for enhancing the team of the TCCH-HYA and a number of planned activities.

Knowledge-sharing activities

As part of the ongoing efforts of the TCCH for youth engagement, a series of educational/knowledge-sharing workshops will organise for youth in order to raise awareness about the work of the Committee through informal education.  Students, educators, local key stakeholders, HYA and young professionals from both communities will be invited to participate in the workshops which will include topics from the spectrum of the cultural heritage conservation and preservation field including digital heritage and maintenance.

Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage enabled through Digitisation of completed TCCH projects

Taking into account the unprecedented opportunities provided by digital technologies and the internet and in line with the EU’s strategy for digitisation and preservation of Cultural Heritage  and the UNDP Digital Strategy , TCCH has extended its efforts for the protection of the cultural heritage of Cyprus into digital heritage projects.  On this basis the TCCH implements digital projects with the aim of digitisation of immovable cultural heritage such as monuments, historical buildings and archaeological sites, increasing online accessibility and digital preservation for its completed projects. The following activities will be implemented:

  • Creation of new Virtual Tours for selected completed TCCH projects
  • Creation of new 3D point clouds for completed TCCH projects
  • Creation of new Digital Reconstruction projects for the completed projects of the TCCH





June 2022


April 2025






United Nations Development Programme









Full Project information