The Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (2015)

The Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (2015)
February 26, 2015
This booklet offers an overview of the work of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage in Cyprus.
"Through the projects illustrated in this booklet, the EU and UNDP have supported the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage to generate an enabling environment for a constructive and lasting dialogue. Together we can promote cultural heritage as an enabler of peace and sustainable development" -Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator.
UNDP’s assistance to the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage started in 2009 when it was requested by the European Commission to support a Study of Cultural Heritage in Cyprus. The study laid the foundation for a more active role of cultural heritage in the on-going peace and confidence building process on the island.
Since 2012, the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage and the United Nations Development Programme have had the European Commission as key partner in implementing the Cultural Heritage programmee.
- 18 monuments islandwide structurally supported, physycally protected or restored - or currently undergoing study/restoration
- 14 monuments islandwide will benefit from similar interventions in the near future
- 6.7 Million Euro of European Union funds