Summit of the Future: A Defining Moment for Global Progress

September 23, 2024

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

What the World Can Learn from Egypt’s Approach

As the world stands at a crossroads, the The Summit of the Future in New York is more than just a meeting of world leaders; it represents a critical turning point for humanity and a defining moment for global cooperation. This crucial gathering of world leaders will focus on forging new international agreements aimed at improving present conditions and safeguarding the future for generations to come. 

The summit seeks to address both longstanding international commitments and emerging challenges, all through a comprehensive and actionable document—the Pact for the Future. 

The future demands bold decisions today. 

A Critical Moment for Multilateralism and Global Cooperation 

Effective global collaboration is becoming more and more critical, yet it remains elusive, especially amid raging conflicts, deepening geopolitical tensions, polarization, and growing mistrust of multilateral systems. These factors are weakening the fundamental principles of international diplomacy and decision-making. 

To counter these obstacles, the summit aims to rejuvenate the international system, ensuring it is better prepared to address current and future global challenges. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently stated, "We can’t build a future for our grandchildren with a system for our grandparents."

Revitalizing the 2030 Agenda 

One of the summit's primary goals is to reinvigorate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are the best blueprint we have for safeguarding our common future. However, progress towards these goals has been significantly disrupted.

Urgent and large-scale action, along with policies and investments, is required to accelerate progress and ensure the goals are met on time. Substantial increases in financial investment will be particularly needed in developing countries. Without urgent, large-scale action, these goals will remain out of reach.

Many of the world’s poorest nations are grappling with overwhelming debt burdens, often paying more in debt service than they can allocate to essential public services like health, education, and infrastructure. 

A New Financial Architecture for a New Global Reality 

The summit also seeks ambitious reforms of the international financial system. Current structures are outdated and do not adequately represent today’s political and economic realities. An overhaul is needed to ensure more inclusive and effective global economic governance. The Pact for the Future will help address key areas such as debt relief, international tax cooperation, and improving the financial terms for developing countries. By doing so, it aims to create a more equitable financial system capable of accelerating sustainable development worldwide through innovative financing instruments. 

Egypt’s Role and Contributions In this global landscape

In this transformative era, Egypt has emerged as a key player in advancing the SDGs through its innovative programmes and proactive policies. Egypt’s Decent Life initiative, Nexus of Water, Food, and Energy (NWFE) Program, and other projects provide scalable examples of how countries can address development and sustainability challenges, focusing on human-centric policies and innovative financing solutions. 

Egypt has adopted a multi-stakeholder engagement framework that aligns development interventions with both national objectives and the SDGs. This framework, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has proven effective in enhancing the impact of financing for development and in creating a more transparent and results-oriented approach to development. 

Several initiatives launched in recent years further demonstrate Egypt's commitment to transformative actions. These include the Sharm El-Sheikh Guide Book for Just Financing, which provides a blueprint for sustainable and equitable financial systems, and the Takaful and Karama Program, which addresses social protection and poverty alleviation. Additionally, Egypt's involvement in the BRICS New Development Bank highlights its growing influence in global development finance. 

Egypt’s NWFE Program offers a scalable example of how innovative financing can be applied to facilitate adaptation and mitigation projects. By engaging with international financial institutions and bilateral partners, 

Egypt has successfully utilized debt-swap programs and other financing mechanisms to invest in human capital, food security, and the green transition. 

Egypt’s innovative financing instruments highlight the potential for similar solutions to be adopted globally. These approaches emphasize the importance of private sector investment, green finance mechanisms, and debt-swap programs in driving progress towards the SDGs. 

During the summit, Egypt, the European Union, and UNDP in Egypt co-hosted an event titled “Tapping into Innovative Financing to Accelerate Sustainable Development” convening high level speakers from international financing institutions, member states, development partners and the private sector During the event, Egypt also  announced its Integrated National Financing Strategy, the first to launch in the region, showcasing the country’s efforts to strike a balance between financing, development and sustainability. 

Looking Ahead: The Path Forward 

As we gather for the Summit of the Future, one thing is clear: the stakes have never been higher. The Summit of the Future is more than just a high-profile meeting of world leaders—it is a critical opportunity to shape the future of global development. 

The summit must catalyze concrete actions, including financial and policy reforms, to ensure that the SDGs remain a central priority for all nations. 

Countries like Egypt are demonstrating how a human-centric approach, combined with innovative financing and strategic planning, can drive sustainable development. 

As the world prepares for this critical gathering, the decisions made will have lasting implications. The path forward is clear, but it requires collective action. It is essential that we learn from each other and lift each other up to ensure that sustainable development remains at the heart of global efforts. 

This moment is the turning point to commit to a future where the SDGs are not just an aspiration, but a reality.