Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities and created new ones, severely hitting the most vulnerable people. The COVID-19 pandemic bears the potential to hinder Egypt’s achievements in relation to macroeconomic stability and sustainable development. These impacts may be particularly severe in rural areas and amongst persons with disabilities (PwDs) and the elderly, due to lower levels of literacy or lack of access to resources, services and information. Marginalized women also face a higher risk of COVID-19 infections and fatalities, loss of livelihood, and increased violence. Fighting the virus and limiting its spread are needed, while creating more gender-balanced employment and income generation opportunities to mitigate the potentially devastating effects COVID-19 may have on vulnerable populations, and on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP worked to ensure that the virus does not reverse the progress Egypt has achieved while preparing for the future Egypt wants post-pandemic.

UNDP responds to the pandemic by:

- Accelerating the pace of digital transformation

- Supporting micro, small and medium- sized enterprises

-Protecting citizens from the virus

-Supporting the national strategy for the empowerment of women

-Supporting COVID-19 diagnostic and testing efforts on the national level.

New Normal Post COVID-19 

UNDP supported efforts to build internal capacities in key ministries to understand changing contexts post COVID and their implications on the future. UNDP also led the international policy dialogues on important post COVID issues, such as the future of big data use for evidence-based policy making, and the future of skills in the digital era and the role of technical and vocational education (TVET).

Safeguarding Livelihood 

UNDP works to support the government of Egypt in developing digital financial solutions to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and alleviate its socio-economic impacts among the poorest and most marginalized. To ensure no one is left behind, UNDP supported the provision of health equipment as an essential input to the Government’s COVID-19 response. UNDP also supported the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) by making use of the extensive networks of the “Waai programme” to advocate for correct behavior vis-a-vis COVID-19 pandemic in the most disadvantaged communities. To support MSMEs faster and stronger recovery from the pandemic, UNDP built the capacities of MSMEDA beneficiaries through e-learning materials, ensuring the effective transition of their products and services online. UNDP in cooperation with MSMEDA also conducted the largest national survey on the impact of COVID 19 on MSMEs, data analysis and recommendations were sent to the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to inform evidence-based post COVID policy making to mitigate impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable.

Putting People at the Core

UNDP supported efforts to build internal capacities in key ministries to understand changing contexts post COVID and their implications on the future. UNDP also led the international policy dialogues on important post COVID issues, such as the future of big data use for evidence-based policy making, and the future of skills in the digital era and the role of technical and vocational education (TVET).

Safeguarding Livelihood

UNDP works to support the government of Egypt in developing digital financial solutions to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and alleviate its socio-economic impacts among the poorest and most marginalized. To ensure no one is left behind, UNDP supported the provision of health equipment as an essential input to the Government’s COVID-19 response. UNDP also supported the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) by making use of the extensive networks of the “Waai programme” to advocate for correct behavior vis-a-vis COVID-19 pandemic in the most disadvantaged communities. To support MSMEs faster and stronger recovery from the pandemic, UNDP built the capacities of MSMEDA beneficiaries through e-learning materials, ensuring the effective transition of their products and services online. UNDP in cooperation with MSMEDA also conducted the largest national survey on the impact of COVID 19 on MSMEs, data analysis and recommendations were sent to the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to inform evidence-based post COVID policy making to mitigate impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable.

Putting People at the Core


As a response to COVID-19 -Kemama- a community-based UNDP initiative, in partnership with the UNDP Alternative Finance Lab (AltFinLab) and Neya Foundation, triggered individuals and corporate donations and supported the Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (ENID/EL Nidaa) in shifting the activity of their Ready-Made Garments factory in Qena governorate to the production of medical masks to meet its high demand in Upper Egypt amid a global pandemic.

-311,550 EGP were raised

-1,009,815 masks were produced

-600 women are trained across 17 villages which created 119 jobs and secured the jobs of more than 200 women beneficiaries.

-Donors: The Government of United Kingdom, Juhayna and individuals.

Artificial Intelligence, New Vanguards

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, 7 million Egyptians with disabilities are among the most vulnerable groups. UNDP supported Egypt’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), to launch a sign language chatbot, for persons with hearing disabilities.

Wasel is an automated testing service that uses chatbot and artificial intelligence technology as the platform for the persons with hearing impairments to test their symptoms through the online application. UNDP works to help people with disabilities become agents of change and facilitates their access to public services, including employment, education, and health services.

Protecting the Planet from the Virus

In 2020, a Central Treatment Facility (CTF) for medical waste treatment was inaugurated in Gharbia governorate, with the Ministry of Environment, for sterilizing medical waste without generating harmful emissions, consisting of persistent organic pollutants internationally banned under the Stockholm Convention. The CTF safely treats 5 tons of medical waste every day. The medical staff were trained on medical waste separation. 5 model hospitals were equipped with the appropriate hardware to enable the best sorting of medical waste. An online training programme on medical waste management was developed and will be extended to all waste management officers in Egyptian hospitals.

Medical Solutions through Digital Technology

Digital technology is enabling rapid responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing the tools of the digital age, UNDP has joined Telecom Egypt (WE) in the ‘One Million Free Consultations Initiative’ in cooperation with AlTibbi, to provide 1 million remote consultations for free. The initiative is considered the largest free medical consultation campaign via an online platform, voice calls and text messages. The initiative has succeeded in offering digital consultations, quarter of which were about COVID-19.