Strength HIV & TB Response In Egypt


Recent data shows that the HIV epidemic in Egypt has grown but remains mostly concentrated and affecting key and vulnerable populations. The overall HIV prevalence among the general population remained largely unknown but estimated at below 0.02%. Evidence has shown that HIV is affecting specific key population groups. An Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IBBSS) conducted in 2010 indicated an overall prevalence of 0.5% among SBG, 6.1% among MSM, and 7.2% among PWID. Programmatic data among FSW in 2010 indicated an average of 2.9% HIV prevalence.

Egypt’s national response is guided by global priorities in addressing HIV/AIDS and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2016 Political Declaration on AIDS High level meeting 2016 globally set targets. The National AIDS Program (NAP) leads the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Egypt. The NAP has, in July 2018, concluded a consultative and inclusive process of reviewing and revising the National HIV Strategic Plan (NSP). The NSP 2018 to 2022 has been built on the four pillars of the preceding National Strategic Framework 2015-2020.

Expected Outcome


  1. Prevention: increasing the access of KAPs to HIV services and especially testing and treatment.
  2. Improving the quality of the HIV testing and treatment in Egypt
  3. Stigma-Reduction
  4. Institutional Capacity Development of the National AIDS Program.


  1. Increased detection of MDR-TB through the expansion of Molecular testing
  2. Improving the treatment of DR-TB through the introduction of the shorter regimen.
  3. Capacity building in Clinical Management of DR-TB
  4. Improving the Monitoring and Evaluation and strategic information
  5. Case detection and notification of Tuberculosis among priority groups
Project Document